I am a horrible blogger. I admit it. I promised last time that I would keep you guys updated on the most recent and latest and greatest with this pregnancy, and I have failed. Miserably.
After getting out of the hospital in Orange City at 27 weeks pregnant, I was put on an antibiotic for 10 days, and the bladder infection went away. I had a check up at 28 weeks in Sioux Falls and an ultrasound revealed nothing to be out of the ordinary. We did discover that baby was in the breech position at this point, but it wasn't a big deal.
A few days after seeing my main doctor in Sioux Falls I boarded an airplane to Orlando, Florida where I spent an entire WEEK on vacation with Brad's whole family. While we were in Florida I flipped over the 29 week card, little did I realize that the next 11 weeks were going to be the longest 11 weeks of my life!
While in Florida, I managed to "meet" Pooh and Tigger at Disney! Needless to say, Baby Girl is spoiled with all of the Pooh and Tigger that will be in her life when she arrives! :)
A few days after I got back from Florida, we flipped yet another week off of the Calendar and had officially hit 30 weeks! We had another Dr. appointment this week, but did not get an ultrasound this time. Although there was no ultrasound, the heart beat still was strong and steady, and the Dr. said baby had finally flipped and was now head down. I was so uncomfortable in Florida one night, I determined that was quite possibly when she had flipped because I was sooooo stretched out and uncomfortable!
This past week we hit the 32 week mark, and once again, headed off to the Dr in Sioux Falls. We did have an ultrasound this week again, and baby girl once again is breech. The Dr said he won't get concerned about this until 36ish weeks, then we will discuss turning the baby as I get closer to "the day". The heart rate was good on Wednesday and we are estimated to be 3 lbs 13 oz, which is the 38th percentile for weight. I am perfectly ok with baby being this little! :) The Dr. said baby's weights usually double in the last 8 weeks... which puts us just a little bit under 8 lbs (eek)... but I'm shooting for 6 1/2! :)
Today Brad and I took our maternity photos for baby girl 2! They turned out pretty cute if you ask me! :) I had a lot of fun, even though Brad is a total baby when it comes to pictures or anything to do with a camera!
We go in to the Dr again in a week and a half for just another regular check up and no ultrasound. Every day that passes is one day closer to meeting this little tyke and I can't wait! I didn't realize that the end of pregnancy was SO uncomfortable.... I hadn't hit this stage yet with Paige, so this is all 100% new even though its not my "first run in the game."
Unfortunately.... the photo application of this blog isn't working for me at the moment... so we're going to have to skip out on the photos for today. If you are really interested, check out my facebook page! Everything as of late has been uploaded there!
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Saturday, November 23, 2013
28 Weeks and Counting!
There was a chance after being in the hospital last week that I wouldn't be able to attend the "family vacation" in Florida over the week of Thanksgiving. On Monday I called into Sanford in Sioux Falls to talk with my normal Doctor. I was freaking out that I wasn't going to be able to go to Florida, so I gave him a hollar to see what he said. Monday afternoon he called me back to inform me that he saw no reasons why I couldn't attend the family vacation, as long as I took it easy. This made my WEEK so much better!
Tuesday we officially hit 28 weeks! I can't believe how fast the past few weeks have gone and all the events that have been happening these past few days especially. Last week was quite an eventful week, but all is in the clear now! Tuesday was an eventful day at work for me as well. This whole past week I took it really easy at work, only doing simple tasks, only putting in partial days, getting the "necessities" done at work. On any normal given week I would have considered this a "slack" week. Tuesday I was helping one of the other guys that helps me out in maternity, we had just delivered a calf, and had to process the cow and calf. This consists of sleeving them to check for any internal tears and a second calf, giving the calf it's vaccines, putting ear tags on the calf, dipping the calves navel, making sure the calf is breathing, giving first time calvers (heifers) their transmitter collars and weighting the calf and heifer. The last thing we do, while the cow is still in the head chute is to put yellow bands around their back legs to indicate that the cow is a "fresh cow" when she enters the parlor. This way we know to collect the colostrum into a separate 4 gallon tank instead of collecting it with the rest of the cows milk. I went up to the cow and touched her back end to let her know I was there and was just getting ready to bend over to put the band on her leg, and she freakkkkkked and kicked me right in the forehead above my right eye. I got very lucky that another worker was back there at the time or I probably would have passed out and laid there. Kube (the mexican that was helping me) stood me up and walked me out of the pen and kept telling me to breathe and stay awake. I won't lie. I fought the urge to pass out. My glasses were broke in half, and I had a killer headache, so I went home for a while to sit and relax. After about 2 hours at home laying down, just chilling, I got back up and headed back into work! No glasses caused a few issues with trying to read some ear tags and what-not but Tuesday evening I fixed that issue by running to the vision center and getting some new frames for this face of mine!
Thursday we had another check-up with my regular doctor. He was still fine with the trip to Florida so I was pretty thrilled about that. He also thought that there was no concern as of now for any pre-term labor or anything like that. He believes that my pain last week was just from the bladder infection. I am now off of my antibiotics, which I took for a week, and am feeling 10x better than I was. At one point last week I was going to the bathroom about 30 times in a day and now I am back down to my typical 10 or so... I know 10 is still a lot, but when you drink 8 bottles of water a day, you tend to pee quite frequently. Everything checked out at the appointment Thursday. Heart beat was still strong and thumping, baby was moving all over the place, but is still breach. The doctor wasn't concerned about the cord around the neck yet. He said this won't be a concern for him until we get closer to term, and it all depends on how the baby is doing, etc.
Tomorrow morning bright and early I am heading off to Sioux Falls for my flight out to Orlando! I can't WAIT to land on that ground in Florida tomorrow morning and be "stress free" for a whole WEEK! I am getting really anxious for the flight, landing, being gone for a week... but I AM SO EXCITED!
So, the next time you will be reading my blog, I am pretty sure it will be after I get back from Florida. :) So, I'll catch ya later!
Tuesday we officially hit 28 weeks! I can't believe how fast the past few weeks have gone and all the events that have been happening these past few days especially. Last week was quite an eventful week, but all is in the clear now! Tuesday was an eventful day at work for me as well. This whole past week I took it really easy at work, only doing simple tasks, only putting in partial days, getting the "necessities" done at work. On any normal given week I would have considered this a "slack" week. Tuesday I was helping one of the other guys that helps me out in maternity, we had just delivered a calf, and had to process the cow and calf. This consists of sleeving them to check for any internal tears and a second calf, giving the calf it's vaccines, putting ear tags on the calf, dipping the calves navel, making sure the calf is breathing, giving first time calvers (heifers) their transmitter collars and weighting the calf and heifer. The last thing we do, while the cow is still in the head chute is to put yellow bands around their back legs to indicate that the cow is a "fresh cow" when she enters the parlor. This way we know to collect the colostrum into a separate 4 gallon tank instead of collecting it with the rest of the cows milk. I went up to the cow and touched her back end to let her know I was there and was just getting ready to bend over to put the band on her leg, and she freakkkkkked and kicked me right in the forehead above my right eye. I got very lucky that another worker was back there at the time or I probably would have passed out and laid there. Kube (the mexican that was helping me) stood me up and walked me out of the pen and kept telling me to breathe and stay awake. I won't lie. I fought the urge to pass out. My glasses were broke in half, and I had a killer headache, so I went home for a while to sit and relax. After about 2 hours at home laying down, just chilling, I got back up and headed back into work! No glasses caused a few issues with trying to read some ear tags and what-not but Tuesday evening I fixed that issue by running to the vision center and getting some new frames for this face of mine!
Thursday we had another check-up with my regular doctor. He was still fine with the trip to Florida so I was pretty thrilled about that. He also thought that there was no concern as of now for any pre-term labor or anything like that. He believes that my pain last week was just from the bladder infection. I am now off of my antibiotics, which I took for a week, and am feeling 10x better than I was. At one point last week I was going to the bathroom about 30 times in a day and now I am back down to my typical 10 or so... I know 10 is still a lot, but when you drink 8 bottles of water a day, you tend to pee quite frequently. Everything checked out at the appointment Thursday. Heart beat was still strong and thumping, baby was moving all over the place, but is still breach. The doctor wasn't concerned about the cord around the neck yet. He said this won't be a concern for him until we get closer to term, and it all depends on how the baby is doing, etc.
Tomorrow morning bright and early I am heading off to Sioux Falls for my flight out to Orlando! I can't WAIT to land on that ground in Florida tomorrow morning and be "stress free" for a whole WEEK! I am getting really anxious for the flight, landing, being gone for a week... but I AM SO EXCITED!
So, the next time you will be reading my blog, I am pretty sure it will be after I get back from Florida. :) So, I'll catch ya later!
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Bed Rest and Frustrations....
I'm not going to lie, this is going to be a rambling post. You know, just one of those rants that just has to come out? ... a really random, often change of thought direction, rant.
Bed Rest has given me a lot of time to think. A lot of time to do mindless activities such as watch tv, movies, pinterest, facebook... I'm getting bored. My mind has been racing... about a lot of stuff. I need to stay busy... this whole bed rest crap sucks. I am a busy body, I am not a lay in bed all day and do nothing type of person.
Recently I have found my mind to be wandering. A lot. .... Dreaming, imagining, wondering...
What would my life be like if....
Would I be happy if...
Where would I be right now if...
So many ifs....
And then there are the 'why me's?' to add to those wandering thoughts of mine...
Life in general has been extremely hectic for me. I have always found a way to resolve my issues, but as of late my issues seem to be building up and my walls are about to come crashing down. Issues ranging from friendships to pregnancy scares. Silly disagreements with my husband to not being able to put my socks on in the morning. Maybe it's just the hormones going insane. Maybe some of my issues are legit to make me crack and crumble, I'll even admit that some of the issues that have been tearing me down are simple little things that should mean absolutely nothing, but I blow them up out of proportion.
I keep trying to look at the positives in my life, but the negatives keep engulfing those positives to make them look like an ant next to an African Elephant. This is where my life is becoming more hectic. I can sort my goods and my bad's anymore. They are all starting to flow together because so much has happened to me that I am getting confused as to what comforts me.
Do I find comfort in bad things happening in my life?... I don't know. I enjoy the comfort that people surround me with when bad events happen, but I don't enjoy the things that happen. I enjoy the encouragement, visitors, prayers... the 'comfort' that comes along with certain events. This is what is confusing me.
I spent 20 hours in the hospital Wednesday night and Thursday morning. I HATED the feeling of the unknown, not knowing what was going to happen with me and the baby. Not knowing if the baby was safe, healthy, coming sooner than expected... but yet I was comforted by my family, my friends, the community...
I hate having marital bouts with my husband, but I know that they happen in even some of the strongest marriages I have ever seen survive. I find comfort in knowing my husband is there to stick next to me through some of the stupidest arguments, and some of the hardest arguments. I have found myself to be starting arguments for the fun of it, just so we can "make up and get over it" and go back to being 'us'. Sometimes I just need to 'fight' to feel better. Another strange place I have been finding my 'comfort' lately. Even if an issue isn't something between Brad and I, I bring it between us just to get that 'get it out of my system' feeling. I give my husband props and I respect him a ton for standing by my side through some of these things that I keep bringing between us.
So I guess the whole point to this post is.... where does my comfort come from these days? I still don't have an answer, even after ranting and getting all these words out. All I know is that I am more than looking forward to this baby coming. I find comfort in knowing that soon I will have a child of my own in my arms after 12 1/2 months (as of now) of pregnancy hormones, emotions, stress, and events. Even though I am looking forward to her, I DO NOT want her to come out of this enlarged belly of mine in the next 10 weeks. She needs to BAKE! Lets aim for at least 15 months of pregnancy hormones, emotions, stress, and events until this little lady comes to meet us!
Bed Rest has given me a lot of time to think. A lot of time to do mindless activities such as watch tv, movies, pinterest, facebook... I'm getting bored. My mind has been racing... about a lot of stuff. I need to stay busy... this whole bed rest crap sucks. I am a busy body, I am not a lay in bed all day and do nothing type of person.
Recently I have found my mind to be wandering. A lot. .... Dreaming, imagining, wondering...
What would my life be like if....
Would I be happy if...
Where would I be right now if...
So many ifs....
And then there are the 'why me's?' to add to those wandering thoughts of mine...
Life in general has been extremely hectic for me. I have always found a way to resolve my issues, but as of late my issues seem to be building up and my walls are about to come crashing down. Issues ranging from friendships to pregnancy scares. Silly disagreements with my husband to not being able to put my socks on in the morning. Maybe it's just the hormones going insane. Maybe some of my issues are legit to make me crack and crumble, I'll even admit that some of the issues that have been tearing me down are simple little things that should mean absolutely nothing, but I blow them up out of proportion.
I keep trying to look at the positives in my life, but the negatives keep engulfing those positives to make them look like an ant next to an African Elephant. This is where my life is becoming more hectic. I can sort my goods and my bad's anymore. They are all starting to flow together because so much has happened to me that I am getting confused as to what comforts me.
Do I find comfort in bad things happening in my life?... I don't know. I enjoy the comfort that people surround me with when bad events happen, but I don't enjoy the things that happen. I enjoy the encouragement, visitors, prayers... the 'comfort' that comes along with certain events. This is what is confusing me.
I spent 20 hours in the hospital Wednesday night and Thursday morning. I HATED the feeling of the unknown, not knowing what was going to happen with me and the baby. Not knowing if the baby was safe, healthy, coming sooner than expected... but yet I was comforted by my family, my friends, the community...
I hate having marital bouts with my husband, but I know that they happen in even some of the strongest marriages I have ever seen survive. I find comfort in knowing my husband is there to stick next to me through some of the stupidest arguments, and some of the hardest arguments. I have found myself to be starting arguments for the fun of it, just so we can "make up and get over it" and go back to being 'us'. Sometimes I just need to 'fight' to feel better. Another strange place I have been finding my 'comfort' lately. Even if an issue isn't something between Brad and I, I bring it between us just to get that 'get it out of my system' feeling. I give my husband props and I respect him a ton for standing by my side through some of these things that I keep bringing between us.
So I guess the whole point to this post is.... where does my comfort come from these days? I still don't have an answer, even after ranting and getting all these words out. All I know is that I am more than looking forward to this baby coming. I find comfort in knowing that soon I will have a child of my own in my arms after 12 1/2 months (as of now) of pregnancy hormones, emotions, stress, and events. Even though I am looking forward to her, I DO NOT want her to come out of this enlarged belly of mine in the next 10 weeks. She needs to BAKE! Lets aim for at least 15 months of pregnancy hormones, emotions, stress, and events until this little lady comes to meet us!
Friday, November 15, 2013
2 Words. Bed. Rest.
Yesterday, 2:30 PM I was discharged from the OC hospital and headed home. They took another urine test at noon yesterday, and the results showed that my white blood cell count had actually increased since the night before. They put me on Cephalexin for a simple Urinary Track Infection (UTI). I'm on an antibiotic for 1 week, and they will take another sample next week Thursday to check my urine levels. I have to go see the specialist that I usually see again next week Thursday for a one week check up.
I am still hoping there is a slight chance that my normal Dr. will still allow me to go to Florida. I know its a long shot after the adventure of the last 2 days, but I'm still hoping. Right now, a week away from work and home and any stress are the best thing that could benefit me. We are hoping that the events of the past couple of days were mainly due to the UTI and not any side-effects of any pre-term labor. Yes, my Fibrinigen test did come back positive, they don't know WHY yet, but as long as I was in the hospital I had NO contractions, the baby was under NO stress, the amniotic fluid showed up to be normal on the ultrasound, and my cervix is still closed and the proper length for the stage of gestation that I am currently at. This was a huge relief for me, knowing that my body is actually doing what its supposed to do at 27 weeks, and not preparing for delivery yet. I was told 4 days off work and "on bed rest". I was given the clear to return to work on Monday, but under very light duty until my Dr. appointment with the specialist on Thursday. The specialist can then determine what the final say is in the next 12 1/2 weeks (ish) of this pregnancy. I'm really hoping I have the clear to work, as we are not financially ready for me to be off work for the rest of this pregnancy, PLUS maternity leave... but right now I am leaving this all in Gods hands. All I want right now is a healthy, strong, crying baby. I will do anything, even though it may be pure torture, to ensure that this baby is safe and secure.
Being admitted to the hospital Wednesday night was the scariest thing that has happened so far this pregnancy. Everything came running back from what we experienced with Paige, the only thing that uplifted a majority of my worry was that monitor picking up a STRONG, HEALTHY heart beat ranging from 130-160 beats per minute from the little miss.
So.. onto bed rest...
Day 1:
This is going to be a long weekend...
As much as I normally LOVE weekends off work, at home, doing whatever I want to do.... this weekend is going to be a lot different. This whole "bed rest" thing... sucks. We are 9 hours into Day 1 of 3, and I am already bored. Friday. What can I do that is considered "bed rest" appropriate all day, for 3 days straight?? ... There is only so much TV, computer time, scrap-booking, reading, watching movies, etc. that I can do before I am bored. Heck.. I've been awake since 6ish, and I'm already bored! I really just want to go baby shopping, because now I REALLY have baby-fever. I just want this little girl safe, and I want her to get here safely. I know I have a number of weeks to go yet, but I get more and more excited as it gets closer, and knowing that there is a possibility of her coming early, makes me want here here safely even more! So... anyone have any bed-rest activities for me to do?? ... any good books to read? :)
I'll keep you all updated, I know I have been horrible at blogging with this pregnancy, but I've been pretty stressed out with this pregnancy, working, Brad having knee surgery, etc. It's been a long past 7 weeks, but I will do my best to keep everyone in the loop from here on out!
I am still hoping there is a slight chance that my normal Dr. will still allow me to go to Florida. I know its a long shot after the adventure of the last 2 days, but I'm still hoping. Right now, a week away from work and home and any stress are the best thing that could benefit me. We are hoping that the events of the past couple of days were mainly due to the UTI and not any side-effects of any pre-term labor. Yes, my Fibrinigen test did come back positive, they don't know WHY yet, but as long as I was in the hospital I had NO contractions, the baby was under NO stress, the amniotic fluid showed up to be normal on the ultrasound, and my cervix is still closed and the proper length for the stage of gestation that I am currently at. This was a huge relief for me, knowing that my body is actually doing what its supposed to do at 27 weeks, and not preparing for delivery yet. I was told 4 days off work and "on bed rest". I was given the clear to return to work on Monday, but under very light duty until my Dr. appointment with the specialist on Thursday. The specialist can then determine what the final say is in the next 12 1/2 weeks (ish) of this pregnancy. I'm really hoping I have the clear to work, as we are not financially ready for me to be off work for the rest of this pregnancy, PLUS maternity leave... but right now I am leaving this all in Gods hands. All I want right now is a healthy, strong, crying baby. I will do anything, even though it may be pure torture, to ensure that this baby is safe and secure.
Being admitted to the hospital Wednesday night was the scariest thing that has happened so far this pregnancy. Everything came running back from what we experienced with Paige, the only thing that uplifted a majority of my worry was that monitor picking up a STRONG, HEALTHY heart beat ranging from 130-160 beats per minute from the little miss.
So.. onto bed rest...
Day 1:
This is going to be a long weekend...
As much as I normally LOVE weekends off work, at home, doing whatever I want to do.... this weekend is going to be a lot different. This whole "bed rest" thing... sucks. We are 9 hours into Day 1 of 3, and I am already bored. Friday. What can I do that is considered "bed rest" appropriate all day, for 3 days straight?? ... There is only so much TV, computer time, scrap-booking, reading, watching movies, etc. that I can do before I am bored. Heck.. I've been awake since 6ish, and I'm already bored! I really just want to go baby shopping, because now I REALLY have baby-fever. I just want this little girl safe, and I want her to get here safely. I know I have a number of weeks to go yet, but I get more and more excited as it gets closer, and knowing that there is a possibility of her coming early, makes me want here here safely even more! So... anyone have any bed-rest activities for me to do?? ... any good books to read? :)
I'll keep you all updated, I know I have been horrible at blogging with this pregnancy, but I've been pretty stressed out with this pregnancy, working, Brad having knee surgery, etc. It's been a long past 7 weeks, but I will do my best to keep everyone in the loop from here on out!
Thursday, November 14, 2013
The ultrasound results showed no concerns of low fluid levels around baby and my cervix has not started shortening. Their one concern was that baby is breech, and the chord is wrapped around the neck twice. They didn't act like it was a big deal, but to Brad and I are both fairly concerned.
We are waiting for one more test result, and after that we are HEADING HOME!! They are waiting on a urine sample to come back, and if it is negative for a UTI, then I'm in the clear. If it still shows signs and symptoms of a UTI I will be put on an antibiotic, and sent home. I have a 4 day bedrest rule to follow, and can return to work on Monday on super light duty, and preferably part time. I have a follow up appointment with my regular doctor in Sioux Falls next Thursday and we will know more after that. I am to monitor myself very closely, and watch my activity levels at this point, anything can potentially send me into pre-term labor.
It's looking like Florida is most likely out of my future... And I will be spending the holiday closer to home. As of now, everything is up in the air until the Dr. talks with us on Thursday.
So for now, were just sitting and waiting. Thanks for all the prayers, concerns, and uplifting words of encouragement!
Brad and Roz
27 Weeks 2 Days... Current Events
Tuesday evening I started feeling as if I was catching the flu bug. I had a little bit of cramping in my upper stomach, and was assuming that it was the flu since it has been going around.
Wednesday morning I wasn't feeling the greatest, but went to work anyways. I know. I know. I have been told 100 times to take it easy... I did take it easy. I didn't do anything I shouldn't at work. I didn't over step my boundaries... I just didn't feel right... At 7:30 I went back home and took a 3 hour nap. I felt a lot better and, of course, went back to work at 12:30 for a few hours. I was feeling some pressure, but I thought that was just some of the braxton-hicks contractions that I have been told so much about and informed to keep track of. I got off work around 3:30 and started having those bad cramps again. After taking a fairly large bowel movement, I didn't feel any better. I called my normal physician in Sioux Falls, and his nurse advised me to go in for a stress test just to make sure everything was alright.
4:45 last night Brad and I walked into the ER in the Orange City Hospital. We started a stress test monitor around 5:30, and everything was showing no signs of stress on the baby, and there was no signs of the "braxton-hicks" contractions present on the monitor. This confused the Dr. that was on call a lot, so they decided to take more tests. At this point they were considering running me to Sioux Falls by ambulance just to be safe in case I was going to deliver. The Dr. here in OC called the perinatologist in SF, and they recommended keeping me over night for monitoring since I wasn't contracting and the baby was looking fine.
They took a urine sample, which showed a high level of white blood cells. This led the Dr. to believe I had a UTI. He made it sound really simple... We were going to start some antibiotics, they would monitor me for a few hours, and I would be on my way.... BUT... then they decide to do a swab test. This was when my Fibernectin protein showed up to be positive.
Fetal Fibernectin Test:
Wednesday morning I wasn't feeling the greatest, but went to work anyways. I know. I know. I have been told 100 times to take it easy... I did take it easy. I didn't do anything I shouldn't at work. I didn't over step my boundaries... I just didn't feel right... At 7:30 I went back home and took a 3 hour nap. I felt a lot better and, of course, went back to work at 12:30 for a few hours. I was feeling some pressure, but I thought that was just some of the braxton-hicks contractions that I have been told so much about and informed to keep track of. I got off work around 3:30 and started having those bad cramps again. After taking a fairly large bowel movement, I didn't feel any better. I called my normal physician in Sioux Falls, and his nurse advised me to go in for a stress test just to make sure everything was alright.
4:45 last night Brad and I walked into the ER in the Orange City Hospital. We started a stress test monitor around 5:30, and everything was showing no signs of stress on the baby, and there was no signs of the "braxton-hicks" contractions present on the monitor. This confused the Dr. that was on call a lot, so they decided to take more tests. At this point they were considering running me to Sioux Falls by ambulance just to be safe in case I was going to deliver. The Dr. here in OC called the perinatologist in SF, and they recommended keeping me over night for monitoring since I wasn't contracting and the baby was looking fine.
They took a urine sample, which showed a high level of white blood cells. This led the Dr. to believe I had a UTI. He made it sound really simple... We were going to start some antibiotics, they would monitor me for a few hours, and I would be on my way.... BUT... then they decide to do a swab test. This was when my Fibernectin protein showed up to be positive.
Fetal Fibernectin Test:
Fetal fibronectin is a protein that acts as a "glue" during pregnancy, attaching the amniotic sac — the fluid-filled membrane that cushions your baby in the uterus — to the lining of the uterus. Fetal fibronectin is often present in vaginal discharge before week 22 of pregnancy. Fetal fibronectin also begins to break down and can be detected in vaginal discharge toward the end of pregnancy. If your health care provider is concerned about preterm labor, he or she might test a swab of secretions near your cervix for the presence of fetal fibronectin between week 22 and week 34 of pregnancy. A positive fetal fibronectin test is a clue that the "glue" has been disturbed and you're at increased risk of preterm labor.
They gave me a steroid called "Betamethazone". I received one last night at 9pm and will receive another one yet this evening before I go home. This is supposed to help the baby's lungs develop quicker, and help the baby be able to breathe easier after birth as a pre-mature baby.
Betamethasone causes an immature fetus's lungs to produce a compound called surfactant. A full-term baby's lungs naturally produce surfactant, which lubricates the lining of the air sacs within the lungs. This allows the inner surfaces of the air sacs to slide against one another without sticking during breathing. Premature infants whose lungs have begun producing surfactant are more able to breathe on their own, or with less respiratory treatment, after birth.
9:00 last night the Dr. came in to check my cervix, which was still "closed" which is a good sign. That means my body is telling them that it is not ready to deliver yet... key word... yet. He was supposed to come back at midnight last night, but never showed up, and I haven't heard a word from him since. For the time being, I am sitting at the OC hospital. We are having an ultrasound done here in a few minutes to measure the length of my cervix and the amount of amniotic fluid around the baby to make sure everything is still alright. The Dr. will be here to review the ultrasound around 11:30. I am currently on an IV drip just to keep fluids inside of me. Really don't have any other news as of now. Will know more after I actually see the doctor today.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
20 Weeks and Half Way There!
I know I have been horrible at posting blogs this pregnancy, but I also have a full time job now besides sitting at a desk in a research lab.. or sitting in class 6 hours a day. ;)
My job has me running, which is keeping me busy... and tired. It's hard being pregnant AND working a physically demanding job! Although, on the plus side, my hours have been reduced from the typical 60+ hours a week I was putting in to somewhere between 40-50 hours a week now. It's nice being able to sleep in till 6:00 AM and getting off work at 3:00 PM. It gives me a lot more time to get other stuff done, and not be so exhausted all the time.
20 weeks have come and gone very slowly, but rapidly at the same time. It's hard for me to believe that we are already half way through this pregnancy, but at the same time, I can't believe I still have 20 weeks left. I know I don't want this baby to come any earlier than planned, because that always raises the chances of there being difficulties, but at the same time I can't WAIT to hold this precious bundle in my arms. Many people keep telling me that there is no rush, and I do agree, because I know FULL well the requirements and stresses of pre-term delivery, but at the same time I find myself having less patience with this pregnancy and having a huge desire to just hold a baby of my own in my arms.
The baby has been identified to be another little girl. Brad and I found out at our 18 week appointment, and we are both pretty excited about it. We also took the hour and fifteen minute drive home to pick out a name for the little squirt, and I am in love with it, might I add. Brad wasn't too excited to pick out girl names, because he was really excited about the boy name we had already picked out, but oh well. He agreed on the name that I LOVE and so we will be planning on that.... unless plans change.
A couple of weeks ago I started losing a lot of my non-pregnant mobility that I used to have. I now have a well defined baby bump sticking out my front end, and it is starting to get exciting and annoying as I am not able to fluently do certain things such as tie my shoes and put on socks, but I will live. I'm pretty sure I will be dreading being 8-9 months pregnant in the dead of winter... there's no such thing as "slip on snow boots"....
The kicks and nudges are starting to get more and more defined as the little one starts to get bigger and bigger. There are frequent times at work where I am as far away from the bathroom as possible and the little tiger decides it's time to use my bladder as a punching bag (her favorite activity as of late). I honestly missed those kicks and nudges, as that was one of the only connections that Paige and I ever got to experience. I am so hoping that this little one will be able to fulfill so many more experiences in motherhood for me.
As we get closer and closer to the 28 week mark, my nerves start to queaze. It makes me nervous to think that the same thing as what happened with Paige is a possibility with this little one. At my 30 week mark I had made plans to fly to Florida, and bought airplane tickets, and had everything to go for a week long vacation with the family... Just recently it was brought up to my attention that I may not even be able to fly there due to my previous pregnancy experience at 28 weeks. I am hoping and praying that the dr. will clear me to fly that week so that I can take that vacation. What other way to relieve pregnancy stress than a week on the beach (in a full body suit to hide all those stretch marks) in Florida over Thanksgiving week??
Our next Dr. appointment is on October 9th, and they will decide then weather I will be visiting every other week or stay at every 4 weeks until 30 weeks. It all depends on how the baby grows and develops over the next couple of weeks. Everything looked very good at our last Dr. appointment and the baby had grown and caught up with the "average" at 18 weeks. We did an echo cardiogram on her heart, and the Dr. said everything looked great and all of her organs checked out. He believes that he double vessel chord will not be too much of a concern from here on out, but that I still have to maintain a regular daily schedule and I can't introduce new, physical activities into my schedule as that may cause stress to my body and the babies.
I can't wait for another visit as we get to see the little one every time on ultrasound. It's exciting to be able to see the development and see that heart beating. We only ever got 2 ultrasounds of Paige, but baby #2 has been photographed 5 times already, and will be for every visit!
So, thats the update for now, I'm sure I'll update again in a few weeks when I get a spare minute or two! hope all is well!!
My job has me running, which is keeping me busy... and tired. It's hard being pregnant AND working a physically demanding job! Although, on the plus side, my hours have been reduced from the typical 60+ hours a week I was putting in to somewhere between 40-50 hours a week now. It's nice being able to sleep in till 6:00 AM and getting off work at 3:00 PM. It gives me a lot more time to get other stuff done, and not be so exhausted all the time.
20 weeks have come and gone very slowly, but rapidly at the same time. It's hard for me to believe that we are already half way through this pregnancy, but at the same time, I can't believe I still have 20 weeks left. I know I don't want this baby to come any earlier than planned, because that always raises the chances of there being difficulties, but at the same time I can't WAIT to hold this precious bundle in my arms. Many people keep telling me that there is no rush, and I do agree, because I know FULL well the requirements and stresses of pre-term delivery, but at the same time I find myself having less patience with this pregnancy and having a huge desire to just hold a baby of my own in my arms.
The baby has been identified to be another little girl. Brad and I found out at our 18 week appointment, and we are both pretty excited about it. We also took the hour and fifteen minute drive home to pick out a name for the little squirt, and I am in love with it, might I add. Brad wasn't too excited to pick out girl names, because he was really excited about the boy name we had already picked out, but oh well. He agreed on the name that I LOVE and so we will be planning on that.... unless plans change.
A couple of weeks ago I started losing a lot of my non-pregnant mobility that I used to have. I now have a well defined baby bump sticking out my front end, and it is starting to get exciting and annoying as I am not able to fluently do certain things such as tie my shoes and put on socks, but I will live. I'm pretty sure I will be dreading being 8-9 months pregnant in the dead of winter... there's no such thing as "slip on snow boots"....
The kicks and nudges are starting to get more and more defined as the little one starts to get bigger and bigger. There are frequent times at work where I am as far away from the bathroom as possible and the little tiger decides it's time to use my bladder as a punching bag (her favorite activity as of late). I honestly missed those kicks and nudges, as that was one of the only connections that Paige and I ever got to experience. I am so hoping that this little one will be able to fulfill so many more experiences in motherhood for me.
As we get closer and closer to the 28 week mark, my nerves start to queaze. It makes me nervous to think that the same thing as what happened with Paige is a possibility with this little one. At my 30 week mark I had made plans to fly to Florida, and bought airplane tickets, and had everything to go for a week long vacation with the family... Just recently it was brought up to my attention that I may not even be able to fly there due to my previous pregnancy experience at 28 weeks. I am hoping and praying that the dr. will clear me to fly that week so that I can take that vacation. What other way to relieve pregnancy stress than a week on the beach (in a full body suit to hide all those stretch marks) in Florida over Thanksgiving week??
Our next Dr. appointment is on October 9th, and they will decide then weather I will be visiting every other week or stay at every 4 weeks until 30 weeks. It all depends on how the baby grows and develops over the next couple of weeks. Everything looked very good at our last Dr. appointment and the baby had grown and caught up with the "average" at 18 weeks. We did an echo cardiogram on her heart, and the Dr. said everything looked great and all of her organs checked out. He believes that he double vessel chord will not be too much of a concern from here on out, but that I still have to maintain a regular daily schedule and I can't introduce new, physical activities into my schedule as that may cause stress to my body and the babies.
I can't wait for another visit as we get to see the little one every time on ultrasound. It's exciting to be able to see the development and see that heart beating. We only ever got 2 ultrasounds of Paige, but baby #2 has been photographed 5 times already, and will be for every visit!
So, thats the update for now, I'm sure I'll update again in a few weeks when I get a spare minute or two! hope all is well!!
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
17 Weeks.
I know that time keeps getting away from me. I was a lot better at posting blogs when I was pregnant with Paige. It was like an obsession when I was pregnant wit her. Now, it has turned into something that is just an extra thing to do. I am staying a lot busier these days with work compared to when I was at ISU working and going to school. My job consists of a lot more physical work these days than it did a year ago, and I am definitely feeling the difference.
These past 17 weeks have flown by, yet moved so slowly. I know I've said this before, but this pregnancy is just so much different than my pregnancy with Paige. I was so up-beat and excited about Paige. This time, it seems like more of a chore because I am so tired all the time and because this pregnancy hasn't been nearly as easy; physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually, as my pregnancy with Paige. 17 weeks seems like its taken forever, but at the same time, I can't believe that a week from now, we will be able to say "he" or "she" once again. I am SO excited to see our little one up on the big screen again, to see all those tiny little body parts and be able to connect visually with the little one.
The last Dr's appointment brought both good and bad news, yet again. We found out that the umbilical cyst that the specialist saw in our 7 week ultrasound in fact, had gone away. The chances of that cyst being a physical issue was 20%. We both felt pretty good that these odds were for us and that everything was going to turn out ok, and it did! But at our 15 week ultrasound, which was a "pre-anatomy" scan for the specialist, just to make sure that everything was looking good and that the baby was developing properly. This was when the bad news of the day came into play. The specialist found yet another issue with the umbilical cord. The Dr. explained the issue to us, and it turns out its not a real severe issue, but it is a major concern to me. The umbilical cord with baby #2 is in fact a double vessel cord, which means that there are only two blood vessels instead of the normal three in an umbilical chord. This is a concern because with only one artery and one vein, the baby can be effected with stunted growth and/or severe organ dysfunction. The organs that are mostly affected are the heart, kidneys, and liver. The numbers say that 70% of all babies with a double vessel cord live 100% normal lives. But that 30% is my main concern. I know its a smaller number, but I can't help but imagine that one in three babies are born with defects because of this double vessel cord. It scares the crap out of me.
We will learn more about the baby's anatomy next Wednesday, but part of me is freaking out. I'm just getting sick of being beat over and over again with freaky stuff, especially after our experience with Paige and having previous issues with the umbilical cord with her. This double vessel thing is scaring the crap out of me, and I's adding more stress to this pregnancy than what already is there due to our loss of Paige.
On the bright side... I started to feel the baby move this past week, and now I am regularly feeling kicks and nudges. Brad hasn't yet been able to feel the kicks, but they are getting stronger, so I know it's not too much longer now before he will be able to experience it! He was pretty jealous when I was laying in bed the other night and started feeling the movements. I know he is getting really anxious to feel the movements, and I am getting anxious for him to have that connection with the baby too.
I am starting to get nervous as we start to near our time for the baby to come. I am starting to prepare myself for another disaster I feel like. I don't want to say it's a natural reaction, but i feel like it is another reaction to our experience with Paige. I just ask, once again, for prayers and uplifting words of encouragement as we get closer to the end and farther through this pregnancy. As we near or 28 week mark I know I will be a nervous wreck, but I also know that prayer is a very strong action, and God hears prayer and answers it too. Thanks for everyone for reading my blogs and keeping up with us through this journey. It means a lot to us to know that we have friends there to support us and to help us through this rough journey.
These past 17 weeks have flown by, yet moved so slowly. I know I've said this before, but this pregnancy is just so much different than my pregnancy with Paige. I was so up-beat and excited about Paige. This time, it seems like more of a chore because I am so tired all the time and because this pregnancy hasn't been nearly as easy; physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually, as my pregnancy with Paige. 17 weeks seems like its taken forever, but at the same time, I can't believe that a week from now, we will be able to say "he" or "she" once again. I am SO excited to see our little one up on the big screen again, to see all those tiny little body parts and be able to connect visually with the little one.
The last Dr's appointment brought both good and bad news, yet again. We found out that the umbilical cyst that the specialist saw in our 7 week ultrasound in fact, had gone away. The chances of that cyst being a physical issue was 20%. We both felt pretty good that these odds were for us and that everything was going to turn out ok, and it did! But at our 15 week ultrasound, which was a "pre-anatomy" scan for the specialist, just to make sure that everything was looking good and that the baby was developing properly. This was when the bad news of the day came into play. The specialist found yet another issue with the umbilical cord. The Dr. explained the issue to us, and it turns out its not a real severe issue, but it is a major concern to me. The umbilical cord with baby #2 is in fact a double vessel cord, which means that there are only two blood vessels instead of the normal three in an umbilical chord. This is a concern because with only one artery and one vein, the baby can be effected with stunted growth and/or severe organ dysfunction. The organs that are mostly affected are the heart, kidneys, and liver. The numbers say that 70% of all babies with a double vessel cord live 100% normal lives. But that 30% is my main concern. I know its a smaller number, but I can't help but imagine that one in three babies are born with defects because of this double vessel cord. It scares the crap out of me.
We will learn more about the baby's anatomy next Wednesday, but part of me is freaking out. I'm just getting sick of being beat over and over again with freaky stuff, especially after our experience with Paige and having previous issues with the umbilical cord with her. This double vessel thing is scaring the crap out of me, and I's adding more stress to this pregnancy than what already is there due to our loss of Paige.
On the bright side... I started to feel the baby move this past week, and now I am regularly feeling kicks and nudges. Brad hasn't yet been able to feel the kicks, but they are getting stronger, so I know it's not too much longer now before he will be able to experience it! He was pretty jealous when I was laying in bed the other night and started feeling the movements. I know he is getting really anxious to feel the movements, and I am getting anxious for him to have that connection with the baby too.
I am starting to get nervous as we start to near our time for the baby to come. I am starting to prepare myself for another disaster I feel like. I don't want to say it's a natural reaction, but i feel like it is another reaction to our experience with Paige. I just ask, once again, for prayers and uplifting words of encouragement as we get closer to the end and farther through this pregnancy. As we near or 28 week mark I know I will be a nervous wreck, but I also know that prayer is a very strong action, and God hears prayer and answers it too. Thanks for everyone for reading my blogs and keeping up with us through this journey. It means a lot to us to know that we have friends there to support us and to help us through this rough journey.
Friday, August 16, 2013
14... 15 ?? Weeks
I know, I know. I haven't posted a new post in nearly 5 weeks! Time is slipping by! Lucky for you all, I have been stranded in the house with a migraine all day, so here goes nothing for another post!
Well, at 10 weeks, morning sickness, exhaustion, and sore feet were all on the daily list of activities I went through. Now, nearing 15 weeks, I am doing much better... besides the headaches/migraines.
Next Wednesday Brad and I head back to Sioux Falls for our 4th visit to the Dr. We have had an ultrasound every time we have visited the Dr. so far, and for both of the next 2 visits we are scheduled for ultrasounds. At 7 weeks we had our initial, "early pregnancy" visit to the Dr. to ensure that everything was good. At 10 weeks we had another check up, where they did another ultrasound, without any pictures :(, but we still got to see the little fart and got to see the heart beat racing away. At 12 weeks we had our third Dr. appointment. This appointment was another ultrasound, and a genetic screen test. They took my blood, I peed in a cup, and we got to see a full version of a "mini me" of the both of us.
Wednesday we go back in for the 4th appointment which is a check up on the umbilical cyst that the Dr. found on the ultrasound at our first Dr. Appointment. I am nervous, don't get me wrong, but after the results from the genetic screening came back "negative" with a 1/100,000 chance of a genetic disease, I feel much more confident that everything will be ok on Wednesday when we have that ultrasound.
In another 4 weeks.... FOUR WEEKS... we find out the gender of Baby Punt #2. I can't WAIT to give this little one a NAME. We do have a boy name picked out already... We actually agreed on one very quickly this pregnancy... we didn't even have a boy name picked out for Paige before we found out she was a girl, so the boy name has been a huge step for us! We are still throwing around a few girl names. It's hard for me to pick one, because Paige was my ultimate girl name... But, she was totally meant to be my Paige. There will be another girl name that will stick... maybe! ;)
This pregnancy seems to be flying by. I have had a hard time keeping track of the progress and knowing off the top of my head which week/day I am on. I have to think about it pretty hard, or I go to the pregnancy app on my phone to see it. haha. I just don't feel as involved with this pregnancy as the first one. I think part of that is because this pregnancy has been a lot more miserable. Physically, mentally, emotionally. Everything has been 10 fold from Paige. I knew there was a chance of having a rougher pregnancy since no pregnancy is the same, but I was really hoping it would be as smooth sailing as it was with Paige... but then again I was in school then, and now I am working 12 hour days.
It is starting to get better. A little. My bump is starting to really pop out. I went shopping last weekend with a few girlfriends, and they FORCED me to buy a maxi skirt. I'll admit, it is super comfy, but I'm just not a skirt person. The one nice thing about it... it's practically a maternity skirt because it STRETCHES! :) ...If only I could get away with wearing THAT to work... hahahaha. It's much better than wearing tight work jeans all the time! :)
Anyways. I will hopefully post again next week, after the Dr.s appointment. We have a wedding next weekend too, so I should have some free time to write out a message for you all!
Thanks for everyone's support so far! It means so much through a difficult pregnancy.
Well, at 10 weeks, morning sickness, exhaustion, and sore feet were all on the daily list of activities I went through. Now, nearing 15 weeks, I am doing much better... besides the headaches/migraines.
Next Wednesday Brad and I head back to Sioux Falls for our 4th visit to the Dr. We have had an ultrasound every time we have visited the Dr. so far, and for both of the next 2 visits we are scheduled for ultrasounds. At 7 weeks we had our initial, "early pregnancy" visit to the Dr. to ensure that everything was good. At 10 weeks we had another check up, where they did another ultrasound, without any pictures :(, but we still got to see the little fart and got to see the heart beat racing away. At 12 weeks we had our third Dr. appointment. This appointment was another ultrasound, and a genetic screen test. They took my blood, I peed in a cup, and we got to see a full version of a "mini me" of the both of us.
Wednesday we go back in for the 4th appointment which is a check up on the umbilical cyst that the Dr. found on the ultrasound at our first Dr. Appointment. I am nervous, don't get me wrong, but after the results from the genetic screening came back "negative" with a 1/100,000 chance of a genetic disease, I feel much more confident that everything will be ok on Wednesday when we have that ultrasound.
In another 4 weeks.... FOUR WEEKS... we find out the gender of Baby Punt #2. I can't WAIT to give this little one a NAME. We do have a boy name picked out already... We actually agreed on one very quickly this pregnancy... we didn't even have a boy name picked out for Paige before we found out she was a girl, so the boy name has been a huge step for us! We are still throwing around a few girl names. It's hard for me to pick one, because Paige was my ultimate girl name... But, she was totally meant to be my Paige. There will be another girl name that will stick... maybe! ;)
This pregnancy seems to be flying by. I have had a hard time keeping track of the progress and knowing off the top of my head which week/day I am on. I have to think about it pretty hard, or I go to the pregnancy app on my phone to see it. haha. I just don't feel as involved with this pregnancy as the first one. I think part of that is because this pregnancy has been a lot more miserable. Physically, mentally, emotionally. Everything has been 10 fold from Paige. I knew there was a chance of having a rougher pregnancy since no pregnancy is the same, but I was really hoping it would be as smooth sailing as it was with Paige... but then again I was in school then, and now I am working 12 hour days.
It is starting to get better. A little. My bump is starting to really pop out. I went shopping last weekend with a few girlfriends, and they FORCED me to buy a maxi skirt. I'll admit, it is super comfy, but I'm just not a skirt person. The one nice thing about it... it's practically a maternity skirt because it STRETCHES! :) ...If only I could get away with wearing THAT to work... hahahaha. It's much better than wearing tight work jeans all the time! :)
Anyways. I will hopefully post again next week, after the Dr.s appointment. We have a wedding next weekend too, so I should have some free time to write out a message for you all!
Thanks for everyone's support so far! It means so much through a difficult pregnancy.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
9 Weeks!
I cannot believe we are already 9 weeks into this crazy journey. It seems (keyword) like it is flying by, I'm not so sure that it really is, but it seems to be.
Its hard for me to go through this pregnancy as if there aren't any worries at all. Because there are. Everything I do, I wonder, "will this hurt the baby?" A typical, daily activity, such as sleeping, working, etc. all make me curious how it effects the little one. I keep telling myself that everything is going to be fine. That this will be a great experience and that it will be worth it in the end. I don't entirely believe myself yet, but I am working on it. A part of my problem is that I am distancing myself from the baby. I hate to admit it, but I'm not "bonding" like I did when I was pregnant with Paige. Part of me wants to bond, to get to really enjoy this pregnancy and to love every moment of it. The other part of me wants to stay distant so that its not just another disappointment. Don't get me wrong, Paige was never a disappointment, but she definitely wasn't what we were expecting.
After such a scary trip with Paige, I don't know what to expect this time. Isn't it normal for a human being to expect the worst but hope for the best? Everyone who goes through this, I feel, will automatically jump to the conclusion that it is going to go wrong, again. I can't help it. As much as I try to tell myself that everything is going to be just fine, I have this underlying feeling of doubt that it really will go that way. I wish I could stop this, but I'm struggling.
I am pretty excited for baby Punt #2. I just don't know how to express it. I am freaked out. Are we really ready for this, again? Brad and I are already struggling with my moods. I admit it, the hormones, oh the hormones, this round are way worse than the first time. I learned not to promise anything anymore. ... when I first found out I was pregnant, I promised him that this time I would be more prepared on what was going to happen and I would take it willingly because I was so excited to have a second chance at being a mother. ... Yeah. That was the wrong promise to make. Little did I know that the hormones would be more than raging on the second trip into parenthood.
Brad and I are enduring the trip well, so far. :) It's just a change from the previous journey.
Today marks 9 weeks. I've been taking it a lot easier at work this past week since our last doctors visit. The heat has really been getting to me, so I take frequent trips to the office to cool off in the AC for a while. I am now eating about 8 meals a day. The guys at work laugh at me because I take frequent trips to the house for water, powerade, a snack, some food, etc. Oh well, I'm hungry. I work my tail off in the heat all day, every day, I knew my appetite would increase even more than what I expected.
I will admit that I went on a little bit of a rebel phase last week after the doctors office. The nurse made such a big deal about eating tuna... so what does the person that was told she CANT have tuna... she went and made tuna helper (hehehe, I felt like a rebel). I'm here to say that a little tuna once in a great while, is NOT going to make a huge difference.
The chart below is the past weeks progress and fun facts that are on my Pregnancy Calendar. I have been enjoying reading this day to day, just to see what all is going on.
Month 3
| ||||||
Day 57
8 wks 1 day |
Day 58
8 wks 2 days |
Day 59
8 wks 3 days |
Day 60
8 wks 4 days |
Day 61
8 wks 5 days |
Day 62
8 wks 6 days |
Day 63
9 wks |
Sun, Jun 23
Mon, Jun 24
Tue, Jun 25
Wed, Jun 26
Thu, Jun 27
Fri, Jun 28
Sat, Jun 29
Baby's crown to rump length is 12 mm or 0.50 inches. Baby weighs about 1 gram. | Baby's external ears are developing | Mom's clothing is probably getting tight now. | Washing your face several times a day may help with skin breakouts. | Baby's optic nerve and eyelids are developing. | Baby's arms and legs are moving now. This would be visible on ultrasound. | You may be able to hear your baby's heartbeat via doppler. |
Anyways. Once again, I'm just asking for a few more prayers as we walk down this journey. We have another long 31 weeks (hopefully) left of this pregnancy and we really can't do this on our own. We know God is there with us, walking next to us, but we still know that prayer works in wondrous ways. And, we thank everyone who has been there for us, supported us, and prayed for us already, and who will in the future. Thanks!
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Looking Back A Year...
July 11, 2012 Brad and I found out we were expecting Paige. 6 Months later, she was born into our lives, even though it wasn't in a way we had ever planned. She changed our lives forever. She brought us joy, laughter, "pregnancy brain", parenthood, and many other blessings in disguise for the short life she lived inside of my womb. Brad and I never expected our lives to take such a dramatic turn. With Paige gone, both of our lives turned pretty gray for a while. I quit both of my jobs, which I loved, moved down to be with Brad where he worked, and became less and less happy as the days went by. I needed a change.
In December I graduated with my second college degree, a Bachelors in Animal Science. I had applied for many jobs, but being 6 months pregnant, nobody wanted to hire me because I would be going on maternity leave in a matter of weeks to months. It was too high of a risk for many employers to take. After Paige was born, I applied for more jobs, and had a few interviews, which were all dead ends, until I got a random call from a small town dairy near my home town.
April 8, 2013 I accepted a job at a place I never saw myself being. As the new Calf Herd Manager at Hickory Hill I plunged full bore into this full time job, caring for newborn calves. I moved into a new house, dove into my job, and honestly never expected Brad to follow me back to Sioux County. I figured we would just keep doing what the last 2 1/2 years of our marriage was like... long distance, randomly "seeing" each other. At the end of April, Brad quit his job at Trausch Farms and moved up to the dairy with me, in the huge 4 bedroom house that I got with the job. less that a week later, Brad was hired onto the maintenance crew here, and has been working here since. So many blessings in disguise have happened over the course of a year, its unbelievable. Our relationship feels like it has been completely renewed now that we are ACTUALLY living together, spending time together, sleeping under the same roof, doing things together, etc.
June 1, 2013 our lives took another huge turn in a direction we both weren't expecting. Baby #2 is now baking in the oven, which was a complete surprise to the both of us. "Gummy Bear," as we have nicknamed it, is due February 11, 2014. Oh Shit. Are we ready for this? How will this work? So many questions that need to be answered and no answers to be given. 8 weeks into pregnancy, I can already tell this is going to be a long 9 (hopefully) months. After the previous experience, I'm sure you can all imagine the worries that could possibly be going through my head. Brad keeps telling me "it will be fine" and "don't worry about it, what happens will happen"... That's just it. I don't want anything BAD to happen.
June 26th was our first Dr's appointment. We met with one of the two physicians that will be monitoring me through my pregnancy. I will be closely watched by both, and ill be making very regular trips to the Sanford Women's Health building in Sioux Falls. Ugh, that's right. Sioux Falls! I have to do my pre-natal visits and be monitored by a "large-city" hospital because of my risk. I am considered High Risk after Paige, and the small town hospitals (Orange City, Sioux Center, Le Mars) will not take on a high risk patient. They would automatically transfer me to Sanford in Sioux Falls... so there it is. Endless miles of traveling back and forth. We got to see the heart beat for the first time on he 26th. A racing pace of 161 beats per minute gave us the comfort that our little one, was in fact, still alive. What a relief it was to know that I was really pregnant. The home pregnancy test just wasn't enough for me to believe that it was a "viable" pregnancy, I guess, because I didn't really expect a baby, until I saw that ultrasound. The one concern that the Dr. had at our first appointment was that there was a small cyst forming on the umbilical chord, from what he could see on the ultrasound. He assured us that this was NOT in fact something to be concerned about yet. He said nearly 80-85% of these cysts go away by weeks 12-15. If it doesn't go away, then we will in fact be doing some testing to see if there are any birth defects that are present. As of now, we are both keeping a positive head about that 80-85%. We believe this is a fairly high number, and we trust that God has this in His hands. No matter what, this child was in God's plan for us, obviously, otherwise this child would not be here.
Today, July 2, we visited another doctors office at the same hospital to meet the nurse of the second physician that will be monitoring me. We are not sure which one will be delivering me yet, as we still need to make the choice, but hopefully we have another 6 months before we have to worry about that too much. The doctor did a little V-Scan today, which is a "pocket book" ultrasound... it's pretty much an ultrasound on an I-pod. No pictures printed, but we got to see the heart beat again, and our little "gummy bear," which is always a plus side of the visits. We have our 12 week appointment scheduled for July 30th, and we will be going through the 12 week screening to make sure that everything is ok. This is just an ultrasound to look for abnormalities in the spine, etc. We also have a 15 week appointment for another ultrasound to look at that umbilical cyst again. Hopefully, by then, it will be gone and baby will be semi-in-the-clear.
Today the nurse was pretty upset with Brad and I because we didn't want to sit through the question session that all early pregnancy patients need to do. We both felt that we don't need a public question session to ask our questions and that we would be much more comfortable asking them to our nurse in person. The nurse did not like this choice of ours, but went through the general basics. I feel that as this is my second pregnancy, I pretty much feel ok with myself and know what I need to do when. The nurse, obviously being from a large city, was VERY concerned about me working with cattle though. She told me I shouldn't have ANY physical contact with livestock or vaccines, that I SHOULDN'T be lifting anything over 40 pounds, and that I need to be VERY careful, but that she "fully appreciates what I do on a day to day basis."... I wanted to b!tc# slap her so bad. She was SO rude about my career. First off, I've grown up around cattle all of my life, I feel comfortable around them, its my career, and I'm not going to quit my job just because I am pregnant. Second of all, there are how many THOUSANDS of female vets, ag workers, etc. working out in the field EVERYDAY in the US... I'm POSITIVE that there ARE other pregnant women out there working with livestock everyday! WHY is it any different for me!? And my last problem I had with that statement was that, I am not stupid. I know when I've done too much, or when I need to quit doing what I'm doing because I am getting tired. This is a part of my daily life, I don't need to be treated like a child just because I am pregnant, and at risk. I understand, she just wants me to have a successful pregnancy, who doesn't??... but telling me that I can't do what I do everyday in my career just because I am pregnant was stepping over the border for me.
Anyways, so far, so good. I am starting to hit the morning sickness stage, which I completely skipped over with Paige, but, it is all worth it. I cannot WAIT for this wonderful blessing, and I just keep praying to God that he knows what He is doing... ( I know he does, but checking with Him makes me feel just a little bit better about this journey). I have been losing weight so far, which is a concern, but I am also just starting to get my "pregnancy appetite" back, and the meals are starting to pick up. We will get through this, but we do need a lot of prayers and support. Our emotions are still very fresh from Paige, and being as we are due only a short month before Paige's "was" due date, the emotions of being at the same "stage" of pregnancy a year ago are very fresh in my mind as well. We are so happy, but so scared at the same time, so we ask that anyone who has a spare moment every once an a while to send a little prayer for us for patients, peaces, and the good mercy of the Lord to be with us through this pregnancy, so we may finally, hold our own crying, precious little bundle of joy.
6 Weeks... (mostly just bloating)
7 Weeks ... (still mostly just bloating)
8 Weeks... Just starting to show!
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Memorial Day
Well, Brad and I made it past the first Memorial Day since Paige.
Everyone always thinks that Memorial Day is all about the veterans, or those who served in active duty, or were in the military... but for some of us... it's not entirely about that.
I do not mean to be rude to those who have a special place for Memorial Day for a lost soldier, a vet, or a military family member/friend/whomever it should be. But for me, Memorial Day has a completely different meaning.
I looked up the meaning of Memorial Day on Google, just to see what comes up as the definition, and this is what I got:
me·mo·ri·al day
Even according to Google, Memorial Day is a day to remember those who were in the military service. Once again, I don't mean to be rude, but for me, it's not only about that.
I have other family members and friends that I believe ought to have a day of remembrance also. Not just those who were in the military. To me, Memorial Day is a holiday where I can morn the loss of two very special loved ones in my life. Memorial Day always used to be a day of "gathering" for my family after Breiton died. It was a day for us to get together, have a huge picnic in the park, and talk about the amazing smile, the awesome times, and the endless love we had for my little brother. It was a day of happiness, laughter, and grief.
This year, another little body was added to the list of morning for me. Paige. As much as I so wanted to go and visit her grave, once again, I lost the courage to do it. I am dreading the day. I had some family members bring a flower pot out there, and they texted me to tell me I could take it to the house if I wanted it there instead... Even with an excuse to go and visit her grave, I have still denied myself the opportunity. I just can't force myself to go. I'm just not ready. I like to sit here in my big house, working 12 hour days, playing with the dogs, acting like my life is normal. Acting like nothing ever happened to me. It's just easier. I try and forget the pain, suffering, and memories. I numb myself.
I know I will eventually have to tear down that wall of "sealed off from reality," face my fears, and visit her grave. I know that some day I will have to go and order that headstone, decide what style we want, what words to use... but today just isn't that day. I know it will come. I know it will suck. I'm just hoping that someday down the road it will be easier that it would have been today, had I chosen to go today.
Every day it gets easier and easier for me to look at all of Paige's stuff that I have around the house. Pictures, memorial candles, toys, funeral gifts, etc. I know that eventually it will be the same thing as how I now feel about Breiton. I still think about him alot, but I have had 8 years to recover. Just like with Paige, I will have (hopefully) many years to recover, and to start fresh once again. It seems like yesterday, but we are up to 5 months since she entered this world as and Angel, and it will be many more months before I will see her again, but I know that option is there, as long as I live my faith and my life in Gods path.
Everyone always thinks that Memorial Day is all about the veterans, or those who served in active duty, or were in the military... but for some of us... it's not entirely about that.
I do not mean to be rude to those who have a special place for Memorial Day for a lost soldier, a vet, or a military family member/friend/whomever it should be. But for me, Memorial Day has a completely different meaning.
I looked up the meaning of Memorial Day on Google, just to see what comes up as the definition, and this is what I got:
me·mo·ri·al day
Even according to Google, Memorial Day is a day to remember those who were in the military service. Once again, I don't mean to be rude, but for me, it's not only about that.
I have other family members and friends that I believe ought to have a day of remembrance also. Not just those who were in the military. To me, Memorial Day is a holiday where I can morn the loss of two very special loved ones in my life. Memorial Day always used to be a day of "gathering" for my family after Breiton died. It was a day for us to get together, have a huge picnic in the park, and talk about the amazing smile, the awesome times, and the endless love we had for my little brother. It was a day of happiness, laughter, and grief.
This year, another little body was added to the list of morning for me. Paige. As much as I so wanted to go and visit her grave, once again, I lost the courage to do it. I am dreading the day. I had some family members bring a flower pot out there, and they texted me to tell me I could take it to the house if I wanted it there instead... Even with an excuse to go and visit her grave, I have still denied myself the opportunity. I just can't force myself to go. I'm just not ready. I like to sit here in my big house, working 12 hour days, playing with the dogs, acting like my life is normal. Acting like nothing ever happened to me. It's just easier. I try and forget the pain, suffering, and memories. I numb myself.
I know I will eventually have to tear down that wall of "sealed off from reality," face my fears, and visit her grave. I know that some day I will have to go and order that headstone, decide what style we want, what words to use... but today just isn't that day. I know it will come. I know it will suck. I'm just hoping that someday down the road it will be easier that it would have been today, had I chosen to go today.
Every day it gets easier and easier for me to look at all of Paige's stuff that I have around the house. Pictures, memorial candles, toys, funeral gifts, etc. I know that eventually it will be the same thing as how I now feel about Breiton. I still think about him alot, but I have had 8 years to recover. Just like with Paige, I will have (hopefully) many years to recover, and to start fresh once again. It seems like yesterday, but we are up to 5 months since she entered this world as and Angel, and it will be many more months before I will see her again, but I know that option is there, as long as I live my faith and my life in Gods path.
Friday, May 24, 2013
Dutch Circus...
Last week my bestie from the East decided to come and visit me one last time before we were both swamped with the summer heat and working full time. She took an internship in SE Iowa and will be over 6 hours away from me for nearly 5 months. We both decided this weekend was a good time for her to come visit me and get a feel for my new home here in NW Iowa.
Laura came to visit me Thursday afternoon. She even helped me for a few hours at work putting up some more calf pens, feeding babies, and helping me do some other random stuff I had to get done. I took the day off Friday and we BOTH slept in for a change... which was very nice, might I add.
After we slept in and chilled around for a few hours, we headed off to Sioux Center where Laura applied for an internship for next summer with Central Vet. She starts vet school at ISU next fall and is looking for an internship to assist her in her studies next summer. We then hit up Rock Valley because she needed to get measured for a bridesmaids dress, which was a fairly short, sweet, and too the point event. We also hit up the second hands store there in town, and I bought myself a new pair of jeans!
We then hit up the "amazing" Kelly's drive in in Hospers for some quick lunch and headed off to my dads house to grab my camera and head out to the dutch circus. Laura had never experienced the Tulip Festival before, so it was quite the culture shock for her. We walked around down town a little bit, caught up with my younger sister Cassie, then headed off to Missy's house for a "Straberrita" before the parade. Dad showed up and we all headed off to the parade. Laura and I split a Gobblestop Turkey Shop turkey leg, a caramel apple, and grabbed some water. After that We headed off to our house, where everyone was getting together for a fun evening.
A few drinks later, and hitting the bed at 11:30, I was shot. I had to work last weekend, and Saturday AM was QUITE interesting... me on 4 hours of sleep... NOT pretty. Lol. Needless to say, I took a couple of hours off in the afternoon for a nap! :) Laura left Saturday after I cooked her breakfast. She had a wedding to attend in Des Moines, so she headed out somewhat early in the day.
Saturday night, Matt and Nikita came home for the last Tulip Festival parade, and we all met up. It was a bitter-sweet meeting as the Kleyer's had their 2 month old baby along with them. Evyn was due just 2 weeks before Paige was. Ally, Evyn, and Paige would all have been 8 weeks apart, and they would all have been great friends! I'm not going to lie, it nearly killed me to see two of our closest friends and their husbands show off their adorable little girls to friends and family that walked past them at the tulip festival. It hurt to watch the two of them talk about their daughters and the quirks and specialties that motherhood has brought to their lives. Just hearing them talk about the habits/actions of their little girls made me wish SO bad that I could join in the conversation. I felt really bad, but eventually I just had to walk away. I walked over to the guys and joined into their conversation... which wasn't as interesting as learning about silly things that Alli and Evyn had done or do, but it kept my mind off of the hurt that was slowly sneaking back up to my chest.
It's hard. It's been hard, it'ts going to be hard, and it will always be a memory of the past. But. I look forward to the day where I can meet another Baby Punt. I will cherish that child so much more due to the past experiences, and stories I have heard from our friends. I cannot wait to experience motherhood for myself, and I know it will be a lot easier having two great friends who have already experienced it, but, I still would have loved to join in the unknown journey right along side them. Someday... I will get my wish. I just need to have patience.
Laura came to visit me Thursday afternoon. She even helped me for a few hours at work putting up some more calf pens, feeding babies, and helping me do some other random stuff I had to get done. I took the day off Friday and we BOTH slept in for a change... which was very nice, might I add.
After we slept in and chilled around for a few hours, we headed off to Sioux Center where Laura applied for an internship for next summer with Central Vet. She starts vet school at ISU next fall and is looking for an internship to assist her in her studies next summer. We then hit up Rock Valley because she needed to get measured for a bridesmaids dress, which was a fairly short, sweet, and too the point event. We also hit up the second hands store there in town, and I bought myself a new pair of jeans!
We then hit up the "amazing" Kelly's drive in in Hospers for some quick lunch and headed off to my dads house to grab my camera and head out to the dutch circus. Laura had never experienced the Tulip Festival before, so it was quite the culture shock for her. We walked around down town a little bit, caught up with my younger sister Cassie, then headed off to Missy's house for a "Straberrita" before the parade. Dad showed up and we all headed off to the parade. Laura and I split a Gobblestop Turkey Shop turkey leg, a caramel apple, and grabbed some water. After that We headed off to our house, where everyone was getting together for a fun evening.
A few drinks later, and hitting the bed at 11:30, I was shot. I had to work last weekend, and Saturday AM was QUITE interesting... me on 4 hours of sleep... NOT pretty. Lol. Needless to say, I took a couple of hours off in the afternoon for a nap! :) Laura left Saturday after I cooked her breakfast. She had a wedding to attend in Des Moines, so she headed out somewhat early in the day.
Saturday night, Matt and Nikita came home for the last Tulip Festival parade, and we all met up. It was a bitter-sweet meeting as the Kleyer's had their 2 month old baby along with them. Evyn was due just 2 weeks before Paige was. Ally, Evyn, and Paige would all have been 8 weeks apart, and they would all have been great friends! I'm not going to lie, it nearly killed me to see two of our closest friends and their husbands show off their adorable little girls to friends and family that walked past them at the tulip festival. It hurt to watch the two of them talk about their daughters and the quirks and specialties that motherhood has brought to their lives. Just hearing them talk about the habits/actions of their little girls made me wish SO bad that I could join in the conversation. I felt really bad, but eventually I just had to walk away. I walked over to the guys and joined into their conversation... which wasn't as interesting as learning about silly things that Alli and Evyn had done or do, but it kept my mind off of the hurt that was slowly sneaking back up to my chest.
It's hard. It's been hard, it'ts going to be hard, and it will always be a memory of the past. But. I look forward to the day where I can meet another Baby Punt. I will cherish that child so much more due to the past experiences, and stories I have heard from our friends. I cannot wait to experience motherhood for myself, and I know it will be a lot easier having two great friends who have already experienced it, but, I still would have loved to join in the unknown journey right along side them. Someday... I will get my wish. I just need to have patience.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
May 22
After 9 years of a life without the most amazing boy in my life, I am honestly trustful of Gods plan for me.
9 years ago today, I woke up thinking it was just going to be another typical Sunday afternoon. The dinner for the day was planned to be left over soup from the Monica Tent from the Tulip Festival, and we were going fishing at one of grandpa's fields where the creek flowed through it.
Tons of sucker-fish later, laughs and giggles from the younger kids, our lives all changed for forever.
9 years ago I never saw my life changing as much as it has so far, to this day. I've gone through so much pain. misery. loneliness. depression. So many emotions have been a subject of my life. So many feelings and different problems always present, always ready to pop up in my daily life.
After 9 years, I am able to accept my life for what it is. Many paths and journeys that I have been down, have not been in my life plan what-so-ever. God obviously had a different idea than I did.
Not a day has gone by that Breiton hasn't been ever-present to me and my life. Not a day goes by that I don't wonder what it would be like if he were still with us... It's hard for me to imagine a 13 year old, TEENAGE boy running around, excited to start football, and other different sports. I cannot believe the time that has gone by since I saw the bright face and gorgeous smile of his.
I have the same thing with Paige. I can't do anything but imagine what life would be like. Paige would be just over 2 months old right now if everything had gone according to my plan. She would be cooing, smiling, and holding up her head all by herself. Just like I imagine "B" to be running laps around a football field, throwing shot put or running track. Oh how different life would be if we didn't lose the ones we love.
Everyone has experienced some kind of loss. Everyone has had to say goodbye, weather it was for a short time, or for the rest of their lives. Goodbye always sucks, and I feel like I've had to say it a few too many times in my life. But, as I said earlier, God obviously has a different idea than I did in my life plan.
As I live my years, according to God's plan, I am starting to learn more and more about the plan that is so much different than my own. When I see other people have to suffer through things they never planned on either, I can't help but wonder, how are they handling it? I can't help but think, are they stronger than me? Is there any way I can help? How do I show them I am here, when they want to do it all on their own?
... I seem to be one of those "I can do this on my own" type of person. I don't openly communicate about my feelings, accept for on here, my blog. Brad is my one, human excuse. He hears it all weather he wants to or not. He has been my rock for the past few weeks. Work is a stressful, full-time commitment. Brad has been here for me every step of the way. He has helped me become a better person, and I am so glad that we have worked through our issues after Paige. Nothing is ever perfect, but we have learned a lot about each other through this journey together.
9 years ago my life changed for forever. 9 years ago I lost one of the closest people in my life. As far as today goes, I miss Breiton, but I miss Paige also. I miss a lot of people who are no longer here with us. But, I am accepting the fact that this is in the past, and the present is now, time for me to live it. The future is in Gods hands, and there is nothing I can do to change it.
Much Love, Roz
9 years ago today, I woke up thinking it was just going to be another typical Sunday afternoon. The dinner for the day was planned to be left over soup from the Monica Tent from the Tulip Festival, and we were going fishing at one of grandpa's fields where the creek flowed through it.
Tons of sucker-fish later, laughs and giggles from the younger kids, our lives all changed for forever.
9 years ago I never saw my life changing as much as it has so far, to this day. I've gone through so much pain. misery. loneliness. depression. So many emotions have been a subject of my life. So many feelings and different problems always present, always ready to pop up in my daily life.
After 9 years, I am able to accept my life for what it is. Many paths and journeys that I have been down, have not been in my life plan what-so-ever. God obviously had a different idea than I did.
Not a day has gone by that Breiton hasn't been ever-present to me and my life. Not a day goes by that I don't wonder what it would be like if he were still with us... It's hard for me to imagine a 13 year old, TEENAGE boy running around, excited to start football, and other different sports. I cannot believe the time that has gone by since I saw the bright face and gorgeous smile of his.
I have the same thing with Paige. I can't do anything but imagine what life would be like. Paige would be just over 2 months old right now if everything had gone according to my plan. She would be cooing, smiling, and holding up her head all by herself. Just like I imagine "B" to be running laps around a football field, throwing shot put or running track. Oh how different life would be if we didn't lose the ones we love.
Everyone has experienced some kind of loss. Everyone has had to say goodbye, weather it was for a short time, or for the rest of their lives. Goodbye always sucks, and I feel like I've had to say it a few too many times in my life. But, as I said earlier, God obviously has a different idea than I did in my life plan.
As I live my years, according to God's plan, I am starting to learn more and more about the plan that is so much different than my own. When I see other people have to suffer through things they never planned on either, I can't help but wonder, how are they handling it? I can't help but think, are they stronger than me? Is there any way I can help? How do I show them I am here, when they want to do it all on their own?
... I seem to be one of those "I can do this on my own" type of person. I don't openly communicate about my feelings, accept for on here, my blog. Brad is my one, human excuse. He hears it all weather he wants to or not. He has been my rock for the past few weeks. Work is a stressful, full-time commitment. Brad has been here for me every step of the way. He has helped me become a better person, and I am so glad that we have worked through our issues after Paige. Nothing is ever perfect, but we have learned a lot about each other through this journey together.
9 years ago my life changed for forever. 9 years ago I lost one of the closest people in my life. As far as today goes, I miss Breiton, but I miss Paige also. I miss a lot of people who are no longer here with us. But, I am accepting the fact that this is in the past, and the present is now, time for me to live it. The future is in Gods hands, and there is nothing I can do to change it.
Much Love, Roz
Monday, April 29, 2013
Smiles, Giggles, and Head bobs…
1/3rd of a year. 4 Months. 17 weeks. 119 days.
The amount of time I have survived without Paige. The days are starting
to blend together now that I have a job that keeps me occupied 60 hours a week,
but that doesn’t make it any easier at the end of the day to go to bed with
empty arms.
I’m really starting to miss the feeling of being a mother. The feeling of
pure joy and excitement as the due date draws near. I get overwhelmed when I
watch some of our closest friends experience parenthood. How they get to take
their little kids on “family trips” or get to experience their children’s
“firsts.” It truly is a very difficult task being a mother to a tiny baby
These past few weeks have been very hard on me. Brad is still working 3
hours away, which leaves me home alone whenever he is away. He has been coming
home on weekends, but I still wish we got to spend more time together. Life
just seems more complete with him around. I have been spending a lot of my time
with Mike, Tiff, and Alli as they live fairly close to us now. This past week I
have really noticed just how much I truly wish Paige was still here. I have
been able to experience Alli’s smile, her giggle, holding up her head on her
own (even if there are a few head bobs in there), finding out what rattles, feet, and hands are, her baptism, and I even got
the joy of taking her 3 month pictures. I never thought I would be jealous of
others parenthood, especially after having Paige, but here I am… coveting
friends’ lives. Even though I wish I could walk this journey with our friends,
just like I experienced the journey of pregnancy right along besides them, I
know, deep in my heart, there was SOME reason God didn’t want me to have Paige
in my life on earth. For SOME unknown reason, she wasn’t meant to be my earthly
4 Months later I am still asking the question “Why me?”… I still haven’t
figured out the exact answer. It’s hard to see the positives in my journey with
Paige. When I ask myself what she gave
me, I can always come up with the negatives.
There seem to be barely any positives to me… I don’t know. It’s
confusing. What did I gain from Paige??... A broken heart… A huge stress factor
on my marriage that could crack at any moment… empty arms… useless baby
supplies (diapers, wipes, clothes, toys, books, blankets, etc…), and an even
bigger dream of being a mother to a beautiful, healthy, adorable little girl.
The only positives I can think of are that she gave me the best 6 months of my
life. 6 months of my life where my world revolved around her, where my daily
routine was based on her. 6 months of my life where I had everything I wanted.
I had a husband who was excited to becoming a dad and loved the two of us
unconditionally, a place I could call home, a family. And here I am.
Alive. Breathing. 4 Months after I thought my world ended. I’ll never
forget the doctors words “There is no movement in your baby’s chest…” Those
words will remain in my mind, as well as the overwhelming feeling of failure,
heartbreak, anger, frustration, fear, disbelief, and whatever other
un-explainable emotions all ran through my mind at that exact moment. But I am
surviving. Holding on. Life is getting better. I know God has a plan for me,
I’m just waiting for that plan to be something that I want… for something to go
right for once. He found me a house; he found me a job; now I just wish my
other prayers would be answered as well.
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Home is where the Heart is...
Well. I'm pretty much completely settled into the house. Brad was here last weekend and he said he actually really liked the house, which I was extremely glad to hear. He still doesn't approve of the location (being back in NW Iowa), but we are working on the kinks.
As promised, I am here to give you all a virtual tour. Bear with me as my house is a mess. After a 70 hour work week, and a few other events going on in my life, not all of the boxes are unpacked, and not all of the house is decorated. But, here it goes!

This is the utility room. I come in here, the door leads to the garage, after work and take off my work clothes and boots and stuff to keep from tracking through the house.
As promised, I am here to give you all a virtual tour. Bear with me as my house is a mess. After a 70 hour work week, and a few other events going on in my life, not all of the boxes are unpacked, and not all of the house is decorated. But, here it goes!
There is an entrance from the garage. This is the hallway leading into the house. On the right (not pictured) is the master bathroom, which connects to the mater bedroom. The door on the right, that you see, is the master closet. The door on the left is just a storage closet, and the opening just past that is the laundry room, on the left. You can see the kitchen straight ahead.
This is my laundry room. It's not huge, practically a closet, but it has a nice big counter and a lot of cupboards that I can store stuff in. I am able to fold all of my laundry on the counter top before bringing it back to the bedroom/wherever it belongs.
This is the view of the kitchen from the hallway that leads into the house from the garage. I have a DISHWASHER! :) The kitchen and dining room are all one room, with a little island separating them.
This is the view of the kitchen from the spare bathroom/ office/ spare bedroom #1. Don't mind the mess on the table/island... that is all of my scrapbooking stuff. I started Paige's book and didn't feel like picking everything up between use. This will hopefully force me to get the book done quicker!
The room that I turned into my office... has two doors to the same closet. Doesn't make sense to me, but whatever! It's not being used as it is my office instead.
The desk, covered in boxes, with all of the decorations laying on the floor. I will eventually get to this room!
This is the spare bedroom, with he mattress laying flat on the floor. I have yet to put the frame up and decorate this room as well. To the right of the picture is a closet too.
This is the spare bathroom that is upstairs. It is right next to the spare bedroom and the office.
This is the master bathroom. Through the door you can see is the entryway that leads to the kitchen/garage. The shower is to the right of the picture.
Master bedroom from the door of the bathroom.
Master bedroom from the door of the living room.
Master closet that leads to the hallway/laundry room! :) It's HUGE
This is the living room form the door of the master bedroom. We don't have furniture for this room yet, we are still working on it! To the left is the
View of the living room from the front door and steps. The door in the corner leads to the master bedroom, and the kitchen is to the right.
This is the view of the steps from the front door.
The kitchenette downstairs is to the left of the steps. We put a mini fridge down there to keep pop and drinks in for when friends come over instead of hauling it up and down the steps.
This is what we made into the living room. Both of our couches and the tv and stuff are all downstairs and we are going to make the living room upstairs just a sitting room for visiting.
This is my storage room... I could do a TON of canning foods and keep them down here! :)
Spare bedroom #2 with a twin size bed... nothing else.. kinda plain yet, I know.
This is the utility room. I come in here, the door leads to the garage, after work and take off my work clothes and boots and stuff to keep from tracking through the house.
Spare bathroom #2 which is down stairs as well..
Well folks, there you have it... The grand tour of my 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom house! :) Now, I just need some more furniture. :D
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Birthday Shenanigans
So, as many of you may know, I had a birthday on Saturday. YAY... lol.
Brad came up to NW Iowa for the weekend to spend time with me since it had been nearly 2 weeks since we had last spent time together. He wanted to be here for my birthday, and to come see the new house. He arrived home late Friday night, and we were both shot!
Saturday morning Brad and I woke up around 8 AM. I quick ran out to the barn to check on the calves, and to make sure everything was going good, and it was besides one heifer that had scours. I texted my boss, informing him that she needed to be treated (since it was my Bday and I had the day off...).
At 9 Brad and I ran to Wal Mart in Sioux Center to pick up a few things for the house, and then we headed off to Orange City for the city wide Garage Sales!! Woop! At one of the garage sales we found a HUGE sale and found a brand new set of women's golf clubs, still in the box, with the plastic still around the clubs. It was 1/3 the original price at Scheel's. So... that was Birthday Present #1 from Bradley Jay.
Later on in the morning Brads phone started acting up, and my phone was to the point where texting was impossible and I couldn't stand how it would randomly take screen shots and it would freeze. CONSTANTLY. I was due for an update on my phone so we went to US Cellular (also because we had to pay our bill), and I got present #2... A NEW PHONE! :) ... We also got one of those new 4G Internet compact Wi-Fi things for around the house... so I now have internet!
Brad and I came home after we ate at Pizza Ranch, my favoritest place to eat EVER, and we did some things around the house. I got all of our decorations for the basement hung, and a lot of the other picture frames hung above the stairs. I will soon be posting photos of the house and giving you all a virtual tour of our new place. My favorite word to describe it is "Huge."
We made supper, grilled, and dug into the sangria. Mmmm. The Sangria was TO. DIE. FOR! My favorite!
Anyways. I had invited some friends over for a bit of a birthday/new job/new house celebration. Mike and Tiff, Cory, Tay, Logan and Danielle, and Tracy and Allen all came to help me celebrate. And. We. Had. A. Blast!
It was too wet and soggy outside to really have a bonfire or anything... and the wii games we had just weren't very exciting. Instead the boys decided to play Bocce Ball... in the basement.
The four of us ladies had a BLAST. It was a great time getting to know Tracy a little bit better, along with Danielle. I have spent many nights with Tiffany, and have really been happy to meet new people and welcome new ladies into our circle of close friends. We decided to chillax on the floor while the boys played with their balls. :p
I had asked Brad to take a picture of Maddie and I. ... Mike was in charge of the ears... and Tracy was in charge of getting Maddie to look at the camera.... I'm sure many of you have no idea as to why this was comical... unless your in the show calf industry.
Brad came up to NW Iowa for the weekend to spend time with me since it had been nearly 2 weeks since we had last spent time together. He wanted to be here for my birthday, and to come see the new house. He arrived home late Friday night, and we were both shot!
Saturday morning Brad and I woke up around 8 AM. I quick ran out to the barn to check on the calves, and to make sure everything was going good, and it was besides one heifer that had scours. I texted my boss, informing him that she needed to be treated (since it was my Bday and I had the day off...).
At 9 Brad and I ran to Wal Mart in Sioux Center to pick up a few things for the house, and then we headed off to Orange City for the city wide Garage Sales!! Woop! At one of the garage sales we found a HUGE sale and found a brand new set of women's golf clubs, still in the box, with the plastic still around the clubs. It was 1/3 the original price at Scheel's. So... that was Birthday Present #1 from Bradley Jay.
Later on in the morning Brads phone started acting up, and my phone was to the point where texting was impossible and I couldn't stand how it would randomly take screen shots and it would freeze. CONSTANTLY. I was due for an update on my phone so we went to US Cellular (also because we had to pay our bill), and I got present #2... A NEW PHONE! :) ... We also got one of those new 4G Internet compact Wi-Fi things for around the house... so I now have internet!
Brad and I came home after we ate at Pizza Ranch, my favoritest place to eat EVER, and we did some things around the house. I got all of our decorations for the basement hung, and a lot of the other picture frames hung above the stairs. I will soon be posting photos of the house and giving you all a virtual tour of our new place. My favorite word to describe it is "Huge."
We made supper, grilled, and dug into the sangria. Mmmm. The Sangria was TO. DIE. FOR! My favorite!
Anyways. I had invited some friends over for a bit of a birthday/new job/new house celebration. Mike and Tiff, Cory, Tay, Logan and Danielle, and Tracy and Allen all came to help me celebrate. And. We. Had. A. Blast!
It was too wet and soggy outside to really have a bonfire or anything... and the wii games we had just weren't very exciting. Instead the boys decided to play Bocce Ball... in the basement.
Tiffany and Tracy also had a great time in the garage, playing a CD from their high school days, and looking up the songs on their iPhones and making a new playlist for themselves. While they enjoyed their time doing that, Brad was showing off his fashionista characteristics with MY leopard print slippers. What a man.
I had asked Brad to take a picture of Maddie and I. ... Mike was in charge of the ears... and Tracy was in charge of getting Maddie to look at the camera.... I'm sure many of you have no idea as to why this was comical... unless your in the show calf industry.
Overall, my birthday was a fantabulous night. I had a blast spending time with our friends, eating great food, and drinking a little bit too much.
Needless to say. Brad and I spent the entire day on Sunday laying around the house, sleeping, drinking lots of water. Oh, and don't forget about the advil...
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