Today marks 36 weeks, 1 day. This leaves us 27 days until our due date.... FREAKY!!!
February 11 seems so far away, yet I can't believe that we have less than (+/- a few days) 4 weeks left! We are officially to the stage where we will be seeing Dr. Madison and Dr. Boyle (the specialist that we originally saw at the beginning of the pregnancy) every week.
We are still measuring according to where we should be at 36 weeks. The Dr. used the little pocket-ultrasound and confirmed that the baby is STILL breech, and the chord is STILL around the neck. NOT what I was wanting to hear today.... I was hoping to start some acupuncture next week with the Chiro to get baby girl to flip, but with the chord around the neck, it is suggested NOT to "force" her to flip, but to let nature take it's course.
This past week has been a total DRAG. I am SO exhausted, my feet are the size of footballs by 3pm, my hands, face, feet all swell like a sponge in warm water.... I can't get comfortable enough to sleep through the night, I PEE CONSTANTLY it seems like.... I am READY for this BABY to GET HERE! hahaha. I think just about every mama says that towards the end of their pregnancy. I know after delivery, I'll miss the pregnancy thing, but for right now, I'm pretty ready to meet this bundle of pink....
So: Whats the future looking like with delivery?..... can anyone answer that knowing the real truth?? Don't think so......
Next week Wednesday, at 37 weeks, we are scheduled for:
1) Ultrasound to determine
a) location of umbilical chord (around neck or un-wrapped and normal)
b) if baby is still breech, or if she magically turned on her own
2) Regular Dr. Visit to:
a) discuss the ultrasound findings.....
i. if breech AND chord wrapped around neck: no inversion, scheduled c-section
ii. if breech and NO chord wrapped around neck: schedule inversion for 38 weeks with normal delivery an option as long as baby is stable during labor
iii. if NOT breech, but chord still around neck: scheduled c-section
iv. if NOT breech, and chord normal and NOT around neck: normal delivery an option as long as baby is stable during labor
b) Discuss Scheduled C-Section: Would be scheduled sometime during the week of my due date
c) Discuss Emergency C-Section: in case of labor onset before scheduled c-section IF normal
delivery is not an option
d) Discuss Scheduling Inversion: what it consists of, what I need to do to prep, etc.
3) Tour of the "Birth Place" which is where Brad and I will be staying during me and baby's hospital stay. The tour is so that we know where to go when we arrive at the hospital during labor/ when c-section is scheduled, to let us know where we will be staying, where baby girl will be held when at the "nursery", and other stuff like the cafeteria, etc.
The whole C-Section thing was a pretty big shock to me as I have been pretty skeptical to the idea since the beginning. C-Section is one of my biggest issues with delivery, and now that I'm looking at the big picture, I realize that this may be my only option. I'm pretty freaked out about the whole idea, but, am willing to do what is necessary to ensure baby girl is delivered safely. She is what matters right now, I was just hoping to have that normal delivery experience. Brad thinks C-section is the best route to go, but I am still scared to take on the physical limitations and pain of a surgery like this. I'm just worried about the "after effects" of a C-section more than a normal delivery. ... Maybe some moms out there who have experienced C-sections have words of advice for me to prevent this nervousness from overtaking me... but for now, I am still hoping that baby girl makes the decision to un-ravel herself from her chord, and to flip on her own so that normal delivery is still an option. I'll just keep hoping, and trusting this little one knows what she is doing... We will see next week Wednesday I guess...
Welp. It's bedtime here in the Punt household. Both dogs are already sacked at my feet, and I'm about 2 seconds away from passing out also. So, I'll post again next Wednesday after our 38 week appointment on our updated news about baby!