Saturday, April 25, 2015


It's been 15 months since Mel was born. My heart has burst with love and joy and has floated away from butterflies countless times since she entered this world. My 7 lb baby is now a toddler. The other day we went for supper at Subway. Brad, Mel, and myself. I forgot a sippy and all they had were cups with lids and a straw.... We taught Mel how to drink from a straw. It was... A moment for me. I almost cried. She drank half the cup of water!! From a straw!! Where did my baby go?? 

Another thing that has been giving me complete butterflies and the jitters, is every single kiss and hug she gives me. I love them. She loves them too, and it melts my heart. 

Mommy hood is so much different than I ever imagined. I never thought that Mel would grow up in the blink of an eye. I never thought she would be the other part of my heart that I never knew I missed before she was here. I never knew this type of love existed. I also never knew that someone could pull my hair, push my buttons, make such a MESS, scream at me, hit me, throw tantrums, and annoy me so much, but yet I still lover her to the end of the earth. 

Melanie Rose. You can give me a million 
kisses and I would never tire of them.  It's been a total pleasure to watch you grow these past 15 months, and I look forward to watching your grow to be a fine young lady!