Lately I've been feeling a little run down. Classes are catching up to me, but, thank goodness Spring Break is next week! 3 1/2 more days of classes and then it's hello relaxation station. (besides the fact that I work EVERY DAY OVER SPRING BREAK @ 530 AM!) I can't wait for a week away from homework. All I do these days is go to class, do homework, study, work, eat, and sleep. I never have time to lay down, take a 3 hour nap, slip in a movie and relax.
This semester isn't too tough, compared to last semester.... I am in Biology 212 and Lab, Chemistry 177, Food Science & Human Nutrition 101, and Animal Science 216(Equine Science).
Biology 212 and Lab are going well. I pulled off a B on my mid term, so I was very glad about that. I have a 350 page book I have to read within the next 3 weeks for a book report due the beginning of April... ~really not looking forward to that! Lab has been fun so far. We've only done stuff with plants, so I'm excited to start the Animal sections next week.
Chemistry is kicking my butt... I'm not a math person. I'll never be a math person. Never have been a math person. end of story. Chemistry is a lot like physics was last semester. The majority of the Homework is thanks to this class, along with the majority of the troubles and frustrations. The instructor is a first time instructor for general chemistry; she's an organic chemist so she really likes the details. The TA's for the class don't know whats going on because she doesn't keep them informed, the tests are hard, and it's my "downer class"... It keeps me down.
FSHN 101 is a freshman class I'm taking for the extra 2 credits so that I'm considered full time. Its easy peasy. Most of it is review from An Sci 270 (meats) from last semester. Some of it intermingles with my bio class with the proteins and dna and stuff. Its pretty cool learning about foods and how they are processed and what they are consisted of.
Animal Science 216 is the introductory Equine class here. I am taking this as a 200 An Sci elective. So far I really enjoy it. We get to work with horses every lab, which is really interesting. Yesterday we collected semen from a Stud (stallion) and processed it for shipping and insemination. We've learned a lot about the species and their history. This is definitely my favorite class this semester.
Overall, classes are going well. My GPA is gradually increasing from last semesters drastic drop. I have made many more friends on campus, which is a plus because I see them in my classes and have friends to go to lunch with and stuff. I'm no longer a "loner" like I was last semester. I have transitioned well to this campus and I'm glad that there is only 1 more transition left in my college career.
<3 Roz
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