Thursday, October 13, 2011

One Step at a Time....

Lately I have been trying to "rush" through life.

....... And it hasn't been working. Don't get me wrong, there are many things I enjoy about rushing through it and having everything done with, but at the same time... I am sick and tired of being exhausted and overwhelmed with everything flying by and not having any time to enjoy it.

I recently (like TODAY) made the decision to drop my Pre-Vet option on my major. Yes. I understand. I am a Senior in College, and only 3 semesters from graduation.... but I have made the decision to not pursue Vet School.  I dropped the pre-vet option changing from Pre-Vet to just a regular Animal Science major. This will hopefully, in the long run, make my life less hectic and allow me to graduate on time (2 more semesters) instead of being in school for another 6 years.

I am ready to be done.

If I stayed as a pre-vet major then it would be another 3 semesters before I graduated..... which would already put me in undergrad for 5 years, and 2 semesters late in graduating on time. After dropping pre-vet and switching to a regular animal science bachelors degree, I will be able to graduate only one semester after planned with only 4.5 years of school. Not only that, I don't have the motivation to fulfill another 4 vigorous years at vet med after my 4.5/5 years of undergraduate studies, IF I even were to be accepted on my first try....

I'm exhausted. I'm ready to enjoy life. I'm ready to slow down.

I am applying for an internship at a swine management company which is located just 20 miles from where Brad is currently working. I am really hoping that I will be given the opportunity to intern there, and potentially have a job offer for after graduation. I'm not getting my hopes up as competition is high in the internship field, but it would really be exciting for me.

Decisions. Decisions.

Life in general for me have been going great. I have been extremely stressed out with the whole "Should I do grad school? Vet school? graduate and be done?" decision  making process.

Besides that, everything has been going really well. I am not so much enjoying the life of the Ames community. Don't get me wrong... it's a good town and everything.... but I miss the farm. I miss gravel roads. I miss the smell of cow $h!t bright and early in the morning... I'm ready to sit back, relax, and enjoy my ride through life. I have been too stressed with my "futures" decision making and everything that comes with it.

School is going really well, besides in the future plans department. I been pulling 85's and above in ALL of my exams so far this year, so I am very happy about that. I have been working extremely hard to try and get my grades up so that my GPA can rise a little bit more. My 4.0 summer semester helped A LOT, but each semester takes a large toll on it from now on. I am looking at potential internships and jobs for next summer to help me get my feet in the door in more places... pretty soon I'm going to run out of feet! :)

 I am loving work. I'm currently writing an Abstract for my first research project, which I will present at Midwest in March of 2012. We are dealing with some SAS (data analyzing program) issues, but once we get those cleared up it will be smooth sailing. I am hopefully starting another research project next spring, where I will write another abstract and have another presentation/poster to present.

Maddie and Shepp are growing like WEEEEEDS. They have both exceeded 15 pounds now. Maddie is fatter than Shepp, but Shepp has way more energy. Maddie is our "jackrabbit" and she loooves to jump and hop around like a bunny. Shepp is our cuddler and lovey dovey with everyone. They both love giving kisses and hugs, as well as begging for food!

Other than the speal going on above, nothing has been too exciting in our lives. Brad has been keeping very busy with work, only coming home on the weekends and Wednesday nights. He has been staying at work due to gas costs and a larger work load around the farm. When he does come home, I usually have meetings or class, so we don't get to spend much time together. (another reason that graduation cannot come fast enough).

Our Vegas vacation is coming up in just 8 days from now! We are MORE than excited for this vacation and break from the norm. VIVA LAS VEGAS!

<3 Roz

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