Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Internship Day 19/20


Today was yet another typical day at the swine farm. I helped with weaning, unloading sows, scraping, breeding, and day one shots. I did a lot of data work for my project. I plugged numbers into my excel sheet for over 2 hours this afternoon. I also got caught up to date on writing things onto my data sheets, and started doing feed intake calculations as well. I also assisted with day 1 shots in room 12, which took up the rest of the day.


This morning started off as the typical morning. Wean, unload sows, scrape. After that I calculated random sample feed intake for the farm manager. They started doing a feed trial at work and I was the one who got voted to do all of the math for it. After calculating feed intake of 6 rooms of 72 sows, my fingertips were numb from tapping the calculator! After the feed intake was done, I had to go through gestation and tally up how many sows were due on what days. I went through over 1,500 sows today, tallying up how many were due on which days within the next 50 days. This afternoon I got put to work doing day 1 shots with another girl. In 2 hours we did the entire room (72 litters of piglets), which is hauling butt! I put up my feed tags in rooms 4 & 5, and then it was time for me to head home!

Now, Time to go relax before another day of work tomorrow!

<3 Roz

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