Sorry everyone, I seriously ran out of time yesterday for me to blog. I had way too much going on at school to have any extra free time to sit around and type out a long story for you all....
So today will have to be it instead.
This past week has been an up and down rollercoaster of emotions. The sickness is starting to subside and I am starting to feel "normal" again. I can no longer do heat I have learned because I overheat very quickly and then I get dizzy and weird feeling.
Friday morning Brad and I had a doctor's appointment as many of you read from my previous post. I was very nervous for this and was afraid as to what the "genetic testing" included. I was afraid they were going to stick this 12" needle into my tummy and pull out blood or something (the horror stories I had come up with).... Well, it ends up they just needed 1) Blood! and 2) and ULTRASOUND! whoo.
Brad and I were super excited when the lady pulled out the sonogram machine and was talking about taking pictures for us and everything. I had absolutely no idea that we were going to be able to see our little human swimming around. The sonographer looked at my uterus, ovaries, and whatever else she saw (I mainly just saw black and white lines all over the screen), and then she found baby! My heart seriously about went flying through the roof. She first measured the heart beat, which was racing at 153 (21 beats lower than at 9 wks, 3 days) beats per minute. The also measured the body length from forehead to buttocks to make sure we were measuring in with our "timeline". The sonographer informed us we are measuring in at 5.06 cm, which is just over 2 inches long! :) She also told us that we are actually measuring in at 11weeks 5 days and we were only at 11weeks 3 days.... so I hope the little tyke doesn't grow too quickly! The thought of an 11 lb baby kinda freaks me out a little bit! =/ hehe. Oh well.
We then needed to get measurements of the head circumference and the length of the head. This was easy for the sonographer to do as the head is a very easy body part to locate. The next part was a challenge though. She needed to find the base of the neck so that she could measure the spine thickness just below the brain...... Well. Baby didn't want to lay on it's back and was laying on it's side. The sonographer tried poking me in the belly to get it to roll around, but it was fast asleep and did not want to be woken up. The sonographer then asked me to cough. Can anyone else NOT cough on demand.... I ended up laughing more than coughing! Well. Ends up. Baby didn't like me coughing, and then started throwing its fists and kicking its legs around and doing cartwheels and jumps and bumps inside of me.... (and I didn't feel a thing....). We eventually got baby to lay on its back, and she got the spine measurement which was .2 cm which she said was right on track according to the due date.
This is baby laying on it's back. You can see a hand up by the face and then one of it's little feed down by its tummy.
This is a facial shot of baby. You can see both of the little hands on either side of its chest/neck area, and the head you can make out, but you can just barely see the eyes and mouth taking shape!
Friday night Brad and I got to hit up some supper with some friends in Sioux City as we went and visited Brad's grandpa in the hospital. Of course, I took the pictures along and showed off our little human to them. Grandma seemed extremely thrilled and excited to see the pictures. Saturday, Sunday, and Monday were all weekend days for me and I got to sit at home, relax, and do NOTHING, which was amazing. I find myself sleeping a LOT more these days and I wear down quickly. NAPS are my new best friend when I get home from school in the evenings.
Brad and I have a regular Dr. appointment tomorrow in Des Moines. This will just be another check up, hear beat monitoring, and the usual stuff (I think). We're not expecting another ultrasound until 20 weeks, which is when we will find out if its a boy or girl! Yes, we have decided to find out the sex, and yes, we are going to make it public. :) Brad and I have also started talking about NAMES! :) So far we have a girl name picked out, but we haven't really settled on a boy name yet. And NO, these names will NOT be made public! They are completely a surprise for birth-day!
I'll let you know how the Dr. appointment tomorrow goes on next weeks update!
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