17 weeks down! My oh my how the time is flying by. I cannot believe that in just 3 weeks Brad and I will know...
It's crazy to think that our little one is about 5 inches long and weighs nearly 5 ounces... that's just over a quarter of a pound!
I also find it crazy to think that every day the babies bones grown thicker and stronger, transitioning from cartilage to bone.
Another interesting fact I learned this week is that Baby Punt is practicing sucking and swallowing... preparing for birth already... eh?
Each and every week I get these calendar updates on my email telling me all of these interesting facts. I love learning about what baby Punt is doing inside that den.
As I was reading through my updates... it began talking about snoring. And NO... I DO NOT SNORE... but this quote made me laugh out loud in the middle of the office today. I got stares of "retardation" from the 4 grad students I share it with....
And I Quote: "If your partner finds your new snoring habit about as sexy as a hippo in a thong (which, by the way, you're starting to feel like), take heart. "
I DO NOT SNORE... yet. :s. Ask Brad... he may feel differently about this subject. I'm not sure. After all, he's not home enough to notice! (I mean that jokingly... not as in... my husbands never home, I may as well change my relationship status to "single" kind of way...) It's just the name of the Cattle Business game.
Another thing I learned this week was about the dreaded (dun, dun, dun)... STRETCH MARKS.
GULP. Ok ok. I already know I'm screwed on this exam. I've been told that escaping them is pure luck. I've also been told they're hereditary. Well.. If they're hereditary... hand me that F because I know they're coming. If its luck... you may as well hand me an F again... because this pregnancy stuff has been extremely nice to me so far and I know "fits gunna hit the shan" eventually.
So last week I was talking about fluttering and movements that Punt Jr. has been conducting inside of my uterus. I also mentioned that I was so excited to feel the kicks of the little one. Well. I have been extremely blessed so far this week on that part. As my heading says... "Is it soccer season!?"... because that's sure how it's beginning to feel. I have really been able to notice kicking these past couple of days as I'm sitting down and relaxing or just sitting in class. The first few kicks I really didn't know what I was feeling. They felt like someone was just kinda sorta poking me in the belly, but I've come to realize its mini Punt trying to get my attention. Even as I write this post I've been welcomed by a little sea monster pogo-sticking inside of me. It's kinda silly of me but when its the "boom boom boom" kicks it takes me by surprise. My favorite kicks are the ones that are "boom............... boom boom...............................boom" and they are all spread out and sporadic. Either way, it has been quite exciting these past few days for me. :)
I started wondering yesterday... when I realized that my stomach was making obnoxious noises... what does it sound like in there?!?! I mean... my stomach growling makes me chuckle... but if I was stuck in that uterus I'd probably be thinking "get me out before Sasquatch eats me!" Hehe. It just makes me chuckle thinking about it. For any of you who know Brad... I just imagine a mini Brad inside of me and the crap that little turd would be thinking..... If this baby is anything like it's father... welp... We may as well as start our own TV show on Comedy Central.
Here's week 17's photo! The bump is definitely growing!
Ugh. Anyway. 4:30 and I am shot. I have a large lab practical (exam) tomorrow for my meats lab so I better sign off of here for now before I type a 28 page review over the last week of my pregnancy. School takes preference for the next 8 weeks and then I get to enter "grownup" world. eek.
Later Gater's.
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