Sunday, September 26, 2010

Long Time No Blog!

Oh. My. Goodness.
It has been far too long since I last posted on here.
Life has had me absolutely runnnnnnnnnnning lately.
Well. For today I'll get you all caught up in my life.

Brad and I moved to Ames, Iowa August 1st. Brad hadn't found a job in town yet so he was running back to Creston every week. For 4 days a week he would stay at his boss' house, then travel back up to see me. I started school at ISU August 23rd. I have been busy and stressed ever since. A Community College of 1,300 students is completely different than a University with 28,500 other students. And Easier might I add. I am currently taking Animal Science/ Pre-Vet Med classes. I'm currently taking Physics 111 with Lab, Biology 211, Animal Science 270 (Meat Science) with Lab, Animal Science 225 (Swine Science) with Lab, and Intro to Animal Science 110. I am half way through round 1 of exams. I have bio, 270, and physics done and over with, this coming week will be 225's exam as weel as 270's lab exam. Studying has me pretty busy. Classes full time, as well as supplemental instruction sessions..... time management is KEY!

I started working on the 17th of August at the Iowa State University Vet Med Teaching Clinic. I work with large animal patients including horses, sheep, goats, cattle, and a few hogs here and there. I work here monday and friday mornings from 5:30 - 8/9, depending on how much work there is to be done. I also work tuesday afternoons from 3:45 - 5/6. These hours work great with my school schedule and it helps a little with the bills. I really enjoy my job and thoroughly enjoy the people and patiens I work with.

Brad recently quit his Creston job and started working in Anita for Traush Farms. He works here 4 days a week. This job is only temporary, helping with the sale calves. October 15th he'll only be working 2 days a wekk for them. Also, he was just hired YESTERDAY for a job in Marshalltown. This job consists of hauling manure 3-4 days a week. He really enjoy's his boss here and is excited to get started working for him!

Brad and I enjoyed our first tailgating party yesterday with a few friends of ours. We didn't make it to the game due to the lack of tickets, as well as the lack of money to BUY the tickets. How you gotta love being a poor college life.

We bought our own trailer at the Old Orchard trailer park. We enjoy having our own house! Its deffinately nice to be able to do what we want to the place. We are still in the process of decorating and painting, but we have years to finish! We are hoping to be doing a little bit of renovation hopefully within the next year. But we will see what is to come.

Thanks, Roslyn

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