Saturday, October 2, 2010

Global Mission

Thursday night I was able to make it to my second ever SALT Co. event.
For more info on what SALT Company is; see the link below....

They also have a Blog:

Last nights message was about global missions and telling the nations.

Genesis 12 states "The Lord had said to Abram, "Leave your counry, your people and your father's household and go to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation and will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.""

*God wants people to go out and spread the word. He creates the nations and begins his plan to make a missionary family. Throughout the entire Bible God talks about fulfilling his mission and going out and spreading his words to the different nations. He wants us to become missionaries and desciple the stories about Him and His son.

The Promise is given to us in these 3 short Genesis verses; as well as multiple others...

                    Isaac; Gen 26:4 "all nations will be blessed"
                    Jacob; Gen 28:14 "all peoples will be blessed"
                   Ten Commandments- Deuteronomy 4:5-6
                    Exodus and Pharoh- Exodus 9:16
                   David and Goliath- 1 Samuel 17: 45-46
                   Solomon's Wisdome - 1 Kings 4:34
                   The Temple- 2 Chronicles 6: 32-33
                   The Psalms - Psalm 67: 1-2, 7

As I said, throughout the whole Bible God speaks about fulfilling his wish, and going out and telling the nations His news.

The guest speeker talked about a story that he had heard, and he connected it to these verses.

This guy proposes, on the Brooklyn Bridge, and drops the ring through the cracks on the pedestrian walk. He was so desperate to get this ring back, he climbed down the scaffolding. Of course, the security motion detectors aka 'suicide' detectors went off, and signaled the police to investigate. He preceded to climb down the scaffolding, desperate to reach this ring. He gets the ring, and police take him into custody. He then tells them the story and goes back up, and proposes to his now fiance.

This story is tied to global missions.... sometimes God gives us moments where we need to leave the "pedestrian bridge" and climb the scafolding of the unknown. We need to go out and make headline stories to all the nations. Typical proposals aren't exploited nationwide. This proposal was because the man was putting himself out there and doing something few others would do, just for his love. We need to do that for God. We need to step out of our comfort zone and become missionaries to nations, not just story county, not just Iowa, but to the nations of the earth. This is spread throughout the entire Bible (see verses above).

When we fall in love you adopt your lovers passions. We need to do that with God and spreading to the Nations. This is God's love, so therefore we need to adopt his passion and make it one of our own. Did you know that over 2/3rds of Jesus' miracles were performed on Gentiles?...

The Larger Purpose- Isaiah 49:6; its not just Jacob but to everyone else that needs to go out and preach
Ministry of Jesus- Matthew 24:3,14; this is the timline of Jesus' opinion on what will happen
Responsibility- Romans 1:6; Galatians 3:!4
Strategy- Romans 15:20- entering unknown territory
Purchase- Revelation 5:9; Jesus already paid for everyone

His finishing words to this sermon was...
"Climb out of the safety of the sidelines and play in the game among nations. God gives us the choise to choose our mission, so don't delay, and be decisive TODAY."

Thanks for Reading. :)
<3 Roz

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