15 weeks.... EEK!
I can't believe the time has flow so fast, but yet seems to slowly crawl by. This last week seems to have taken on the slow crawl of a snail on the scorching sidewalks of California.
Speaking of scorching... did someone turn up the heat?? ugh. ... Yes. Pregnancy hot flashes at their finest! I am now a walking furnace. It was 60 degrees outside yesterday... and I was sweating my butt off. I do know one thing... I am SO glad I am not 6 months pregnant in the middle of the summer! Bravo to my friends who suffered through that! I would have never survived!
We had a Dr's appointment last Wednesday, but it wasn't much. The heart beat of our little kicker was at 141, which is normal for this stage. The doctor thought it was hilarious because she couldn't get the doppler to pick up the heart beat because the stinker kept kicking it away... eventually we found the beat though. We found out that the baby is laying completely on the right side of my tummy. When I laid down on the exam table I looked like a bloated cow because the right side of my tummy was about 2 inches bigger than the left side due to the baby being on that side. The doctor said everything is normal and that I will start becoming more and more tired as we near the end. I'm to the point where sleep is starting to be a huge blessing. I know, I better get used to it... :)
We also discovered that the aches that I was getting in my lower right abdomen was not braxton hicks contractions like I thought it was... It's actually my round ligament again. Earlier in my pregnancy I had these pains but they had spread across the entire length of my belly, now it's only on the right side. The doctor said this is mainly because that is where the baby is, which is causing the right side to stretch more than the left side these days. These spasms hurt and can usually force me to sit or lie down and stretch. I also have found that rubbing the spot helps the spasm relax and I can usually rub it away. Since I'm not supposed to be taking any pain meds to help with these aches and pains I have been getting by with a little massaging of the painful area.... what I would give for a proper massage these days (if only I could lay on my belly....) ... I wonder if they make pregnancy massage tables with a big hole in the middle... like where your head goes...???.... pregnancy brain. My doctor suggested for me to start drinking more water. She believes this can also help with muscle pains, but I just feel like it makes me need to use "the little scientists room" every 20 minutes.
The clinic also set us up for my glucose test. This will actually occur at our next appointment (shortly after Christmas). They will be able to then tell me if gestational diabetes is occurring or not. I have to drink this "orange" flavored crap... yes that's exactly how the nurse explained it, before I go in next time and then they will have to perform the glucose test. ... not looking forward to drinking that crap!
We are also to the dreaded (literally) stretch mark stage as well. Yes. I am gaining stretch marks. The initiation of stretching has started to occur right around my belt line on both sides of my stomach. Ugh. You have no idea HOW dreadful that makes me feel. To top that off... my Linea Nigra line has began to show as well. This is that dark line that forms underneath your belly button... I am seriously starting to feel like an oompa-loompa with all these discoloration and malformations. NOT excited for this...
One of the best feelings so far though is the ability to feel each movement that occurs in there. It does get annoying at times, like when you are trying to fall asleep... but it still cracks me up. I can now see when mini me's head rubs against the right side of my belly. I can also see where the feet are when they get shoved and kicked against me... It is quite entertaining at times. :) I rarely watch what is on TV because I am always too busy watching my belly bounce up and down like Tigger. :) It's hard to believe that in 15 weeks (or sooner... maybe later) we will be able to see the little twerp. I'm starting to get anxious for finding a job and figuring out what we're going to do after graduation. I am excited to be starting a new chapter in our lives... we are definitely excited!
Welp-- I better head off to class here! Hope everyone is having a good December so far! 11 days till graduation! :-D
They DO make pregnancy friendly massage tables, with...just like you guessed...big holes in the middle. However, they are not super comfortable. Most massage places offer maternity massages, and you lay on your side, and it's actually still wonderful. I went one to two times a week waiting for John to arrive, and it was the only thing that kept me going. You should definitely indulge!
ReplyDeleteGah! You just made me totally jealous. :) I will have to look into it! :)