Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Week 26: Wanted Adds

.... 14 weeks to go. Can time begin to crawl any slower? Last week we were at least moving at the speed of snails on a hot California sidewalk.... which according to mostextreme.com is the speed of .03 MPH... (the slowest moving animal on earth) can anything else move any slower that that!?!?... oh wait... Yes... a tree. That's about how fast time seems to be moving.... According to the dictionary, a tree is a plant that has a permanent woody main stem or trunk.... permanent... as in doesn't move... yup. That explains time right now.

As time has began to slow, the pain began to creep. As I laid in bed for a matter of 36 hours straight (minus the frequent bathroom run for my self and the four legged furry babies) from Friday night at 6:30 to Sunday morning, I decided this pregnancy is probably going to kill me. My ribs and back officially scream basically whenever I am sitting. Laying down is fine. Standing is fine (but then my legs and feet hurt)... I've hit the uncomfortable stage... and I want it over with. So, yesterday, as I sat at my desk, desperately trying to study for my genetics final, I decided that now is as good of time as any to start advertising in the wanted adds! :) For what?.... a masseuse. Yup. You got it. I want my own personal, call anytime of the day, 24-7, masseuse. As I sat there in pain I began to dream of how wonderfully amazing it would feel to have someone around at any time of the day while baby Punt insisted that my back and ribs were in the way, not allowing enough room for growth. So, here's my official "Wanted" Add (not really... actually stolen off of google images:)) that will be flying high in my front yard, the newspaper, and any other place I can get my hands on. Just image the lady as me...blonde hair tied in a pony tail, no makeup, big old pregnant belly, a few stretch marks here and there... black bags under her eyes, swollen feet, and maybe have a bit of an attitude. That would be me... Reception Desk: Check my bed.. I tend to live there when I'm home...

As I'm no longer able to sit on the couch, or in chairs, without having the aches and pains of pregnancy become overbearing, the bedroom has become my best friend... I'm seriously considering paying the extra $15/month to extend our cable down to the bedroom from the living room... Watching the same movies over and over tend to get a bit boring... but at least I get some sleep due to the boredom that overcomes me. 

Nothing has really changed from last week. Accept the amount of pain. Today was my last final. EVER. So it is all free sailing from here on out. Time to get to work and make some money before Baby Punt makes the debut. I'm more than happy to spend less time at my desk studying and get to work in the lab where I am more comfortable and have the ability to move around and stand up and stretch instead of being hunched over a desk staring endlessly at scribbles and scratches from my genetics notebook. Saturday is graduation and I am really looking forward to seeing our families. Even though not everyone will be there, I am still excited none the less. It feels so good to be DONE with school. Come January 4th I will have that one sheet of paper that says "Graduated" on it! :) 

As week 26 will come and go... eventually... the belly seems to be getting larger and larger. I have officially been told that I'm carrying a perfect basketball under my clothes. Ugh. On the bright side... my friends know better than to rub on the belly. My motto... "If you didn't put it there, don't touch it." ... :) I mean, family is a little different, but still, having random people who you hardly remember their names coming up and rubbing your belly is a little odd. :) Anyways, I suppose I better get off to work. :) Ta Ta For Now! 

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