Wednesday, September 4, 2013

17 Weeks.

I know that time keeps getting away from me. I was a lot better at posting blogs when I was pregnant with Paige. It was like an obsession when I was pregnant wit her. Now, it has turned into something that is just an extra thing to do. I am staying a lot busier these days with work compared to when I was at ISU working and going to school. My job consists of a lot more physical work these days than it did a year ago, and I am definitely feeling the difference.

These past 17 weeks have flown by, yet moved so slowly. I know I've said this before, but this pregnancy is just so much different than my pregnancy with Paige. I was so up-beat and excited about Paige. This time, it seems like more of a chore because I am so tired all the time and because this pregnancy hasn't been nearly as easy; physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually, as my pregnancy with Paige. 17 weeks seems like its taken forever, but at the same time, I can't believe that a week from now, we will be able to say "he" or "she" once again. I am SO excited to see our little one up on the big screen again, to see all those tiny little body parts and be able to connect visually with the little one.

The last Dr's appointment brought both good and bad news, yet again. We found out that the umbilical cyst that the specialist saw in our 7 week ultrasound in fact, had gone away. The chances of that cyst being a physical issue was 20%. We both felt pretty good that these odds were for us and that everything was going to turn out ok, and it did! But at our 15 week ultrasound, which was a "pre-anatomy" scan for the specialist, just to make sure that everything was looking good and that the baby was developing properly. This was when the bad news of the day came into play. The specialist found yet another issue with the umbilical cord. The Dr. explained the issue to us, and it turns out its not a real severe issue, but it is a major concern to me. The umbilical cord with baby #2 is in fact a double vessel cord, which means that there are only two blood vessels instead of the normal three in an umbilical chord. This is a concern because with only one artery and one vein, the baby can be effected with stunted growth and/or severe organ dysfunction. The organs that are mostly affected are the heart, kidneys, and liver. The numbers say that 70% of all babies with a double vessel cord live 100% normal lives. But that 30% is my main concern. I know its a smaller number, but I can't help but imagine that one in three babies are born with defects because of this double vessel cord. It scares the crap out of me.

We will learn more about the baby's anatomy next Wednesday, but part of me is freaking out. I'm just getting sick of being beat over and over again with freaky stuff, especially after our experience with Paige and having previous issues with the umbilical cord with her. This double vessel thing is scaring the crap out of me, and I's adding more stress to this pregnancy than what already is there due to our loss of Paige.

On the bright side... I started to feel the baby move this past week, and now I am regularly feeling kicks and nudges. Brad hasn't yet been able to feel the kicks, but they are getting stronger, so I know it's not too much longer now before he will be able to experience it! He was pretty jealous when I was laying in bed the other night and started feeling the movements. I know he is getting really anxious to feel the movements, and I am getting anxious for him to have that connection with the baby too.

I am starting to get nervous as we start to near our time for the baby to come. I am starting to prepare myself for another disaster I feel like. I don't want to say it's a natural reaction, but i feel like it is another reaction to our experience with Paige. I just ask, once again, for prayers and uplifting words of encouragement as we get closer to the end and farther through this pregnancy. As we near or 28 week mark I know I will be a nervous wreck, but I also know that prayer is a very strong action, and God hears prayer and answers it too. Thanks for everyone for reading my blogs and keeping up with us through this journey. It means a lot to us to know that we have friends there to support us and to help us through this rough journey.

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