Saturday, November 23, 2013

28 Weeks and Counting!

There was a chance after being in the hospital last week that I wouldn't be able to attend the "family vacation" in Florida over the week of Thanksgiving. On Monday I called into Sanford in Sioux Falls to talk with my normal Doctor. I was freaking out that I wasn't going to be able to go to Florida, so I gave him a hollar to see what he said. Monday afternoon he called me back to inform me that he saw no reasons why I couldn't attend the family vacation, as long as I took it easy. This made my WEEK so much better!

Tuesday we officially hit 28 weeks! I can't believe how fast the past few weeks have gone and all the events that have been happening these past few days especially. Last week was quite an eventful week, but all is in the clear now! Tuesday was an eventful day at work for me as well. This whole past week I took it really easy at work, only doing simple tasks, only putting in partial days, getting the "necessities" done at work. On any normal given week I would have considered this a "slack" week. Tuesday I was helping one of the other guys that helps me out in maternity, we had just delivered a calf, and had to process the cow and calf. This consists of sleeving them to check for any internal tears and a second calf, giving the calf it's vaccines, putting ear tags on the calf, dipping the calves navel, making sure the calf is breathing, giving first time calvers (heifers) their transmitter collars and weighting the calf and heifer. The last thing we do, while the cow is still in the head chute is to put yellow bands around their back legs to indicate that the cow is a "fresh cow" when she enters the parlor. This way we know to collect the colostrum into a separate 4 gallon tank instead of collecting it with the rest of the cows milk. I went up to the cow and touched her back end to let her know I was there and was just getting ready to bend over to put the band on her leg, and she freakkkkkked and kicked me right in the forehead above my right eye. I got very lucky that another worker was back there at the time or I probably would have passed out and laid there. Kube (the mexican that was helping me) stood me up and walked me out of the pen and kept telling me to breathe and stay awake. I won't lie. I fought the urge to pass out. My glasses were broke in half, and I had a killer headache, so I went home for a while to sit and relax. After about 2 hours at home laying down, just chilling, I got back up and headed back into work! No glasses caused a few issues with trying to read some ear tags and what-not but Tuesday evening I fixed that issue by running to the vision center and getting some new frames for this face of mine!

Thursday we had another check-up with my regular doctor. He was still fine with the trip to Florida so I was pretty thrilled about that. He also thought that there was no concern as of now for any pre-term labor or anything like that. He believes that my pain last week was just from the bladder infection. I am now off of my antibiotics, which I took for a week, and am feeling 10x better than I was. At one point last week I was going to the bathroom about 30 times in a day and now I am back down to my typical 10 or so... I know 10 is still a lot, but when you drink 8 bottles of water a day, you tend to pee quite frequently. Everything checked out at the appointment Thursday. Heart beat was still strong and thumping, baby was moving all over the place, but is still breach. The doctor wasn't concerned about the cord around the neck yet. He said this won't be a concern for him until we get closer to term, and it all depends on how the baby is doing, etc.

Tomorrow morning bright and early I am heading off to Sioux Falls for my flight out to Orlando! I can't WAIT to land on that ground in Florida tomorrow morning and be "stress free" for a whole WEEK! I am getting really anxious for the flight, landing, being gone for a week... but I AM SO EXCITED!

So, the next time you will be reading my blog, I am pretty sure it will be after I get back from Florida. :) So, I'll catch ya later!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Bed Rest and Frustrations....

I'm not going to lie, this is going to be a rambling post. You know, just one of those rants that just has to come out? ... a really random, often change of thought direction, rant.

Bed Rest has given me a lot of time to think. A lot of time to do mindless activities such as watch tv, movies, pinterest, facebook... I'm getting bored. My mind has been racing... about a lot of stuff. I need to stay busy... this whole bed rest crap sucks. I am a busy body, I am not a lay in bed all day and do nothing type of person.

Recently I have found my mind to be wandering. A lot. .... Dreaming, imagining, wondering...

What would my life be like if....

Would I be happy if...

Where would I be right now if...

So many ifs....

And then there are the 'why me's?' to add to those wandering thoughts of mine...

Life in general has been extremely hectic for me. I have always found a way to resolve my issues, but as of late my issues seem to be building up and my walls are about to come crashing down. Issues ranging from friendships to pregnancy scares. Silly disagreements with my husband to not being able to put my socks on in the morning. Maybe it's just the hormones going insane. Maybe some of my issues are legit to make me crack and crumble, I'll even admit that some of the issues that have been tearing me down are simple little things that should mean absolutely nothing, but I blow them up out of proportion.

I keep trying to look at the positives in my life, but the negatives keep engulfing those positives to make them look like an ant next to an African Elephant. This is where my life is becoming more hectic. I can sort my goods and my bad's anymore. They are all starting to flow together because so much has happened to me that I am getting confused as to what comforts me.

Do I find comfort in bad things happening in my life?... I don't know. I enjoy the comfort that people surround me with when bad events happen, but I don't enjoy the things that happen. I enjoy the encouragement, visitors, prayers... the 'comfort' that comes along with certain events. This is what is confusing me.

I spent 20 hours in the hospital Wednesday night and Thursday morning. I HATED the feeling of the unknown, not knowing what was going to happen with me and the baby. Not knowing if the baby was safe, healthy, coming sooner than expected... but yet I was comforted by my family, my friends, the community...

I hate having marital bouts with my husband, but I know that they happen in even some of the strongest marriages I have ever seen survive. I find comfort in knowing my husband is there to stick next to me through some of the stupidest arguments, and some of the hardest arguments. I have found myself to be starting arguments for the fun of it, just so we can "make up and get over it" and go back to being 'us'. Sometimes I just need to 'fight' to feel better. Another strange place I have been finding my 'comfort' lately. Even if an issue isn't something between Brad and I, I bring it between us just to get that 'get it out of my system' feeling. I give my husband props and I respect him a ton for standing by my side through some of these things that I keep bringing between us.

So I guess the whole point to this post is.... where does my comfort come from these days? I still don't have an answer, even after ranting and getting all these words out. All I know is that I am more than looking forward to this baby coming. I find comfort in knowing that soon I will have a child of my own in my arms after 12 1/2 months (as of now) of pregnancy hormones, emotions, stress, and events. Even though I am looking forward to her, I DO NOT want her to come out of this enlarged belly of mine in the next 10 weeks. She needs to BAKE! Lets aim for at least 15 months of pregnancy hormones, emotions, stress, and events until this little lady comes to meet us!

Friday, November 15, 2013

2 Words. Bed. Rest.

Yesterday, 2:30 PM I was discharged from the OC hospital and headed home. They took another urine test at noon yesterday, and the results showed that my white blood cell count had actually increased since the night before. They put me on Cephalexin for a simple Urinary Track Infection (UTI). I'm on an antibiotic for 1 week, and they will take another sample next week Thursday to check my urine levels. I have to go see the specialist that I usually see again next week Thursday for a one week check up.

I am still hoping there is a slight chance that my normal Dr. will still allow me to go to Florida. I know its a long shot after the adventure of the last 2 days, but I'm still hoping. Right now, a week away from work and home and any stress are the best thing that could benefit me. We are hoping that the events of the past couple of days were mainly due to the UTI and not any side-effects of any pre-term labor. Yes, my Fibrinigen test did come back positive, they don't know WHY yet, but as long as I was in the hospital I had NO contractions, the baby was under NO stress, the amniotic fluid showed up to be normal on the ultrasound, and my cervix is still closed and the proper length for the stage of gestation that I am currently at. This was a huge relief for me, knowing that my body is actually doing what its supposed to do at 27 weeks, and not preparing for delivery yet. I was told 4 days off work and "on bed rest". I was given the clear to return to work on Monday, but under very light duty until my Dr. appointment with the specialist on Thursday. The specialist can then determine what the final say is in the next 12 1/2 weeks (ish) of this pregnancy. I'm really hoping I have the clear to work, as we are not financially ready for me to be off work for the rest of this pregnancy, PLUS maternity leave... but right now I am leaving this all in Gods hands. All I want right now is a healthy, strong, crying baby. I will do anything, even though it may be pure torture, to ensure that this baby is safe and secure.

Being admitted to the hospital Wednesday night was the scariest thing that has happened so far this pregnancy. Everything came running back from what we experienced with Paige, the only thing that uplifted a majority of my worry was that monitor picking up a STRONG, HEALTHY heart beat ranging from 130-160 beats per minute from the little miss.

So.. onto bed rest...

Day 1:

This is going to be a long weekend...

As much as I normally LOVE weekends off work, at home, doing whatever I want to do.... this weekend is going to be a lot different. This whole "bed rest" thing... sucks. We are 9 hours into Day 1 of 3, and I am already bored. Friday. What can I do that is considered "bed rest" appropriate all day, for 3 days straight?? ... There is only so much TV, computer time, scrap-booking, reading, watching movies, etc. that I can do before I am bored. Heck.. I've been awake since 6ish, and I'm already bored! I really just want to go baby shopping, because now I REALLY have baby-fever. I just want this little girl safe, and I want her to get here safely. I know I have a number of weeks to go yet, but I get more and more excited as it gets closer, and knowing that there is a possibility of her coming early, makes me want here here safely even more! So... anyone have any bed-rest activities for me to do?? ... any good books to read? :)

I'll keep you all updated, I know I have been horrible at blogging with this pregnancy, but I've been pretty stressed out with this pregnancy, working, Brad having knee surgery, etc. It's been a long past 7 weeks, but I will do my best to keep everyone in the loop from here on out!


Thursday, November 14, 2013


The ultrasound results showed no concerns of low fluid levels around baby and my cervix has not started shortening.   Their one concern was that baby is breech, and the chord is wrapped around the neck twice. They didn't act like it was a big deal, but to Brad and I are both fairly concerned. 

We are waiting for one more test result, and after that we are HEADING HOME!! They are waiting on a urine sample to come back, and if it is negative for a UTI, then I'm in the clear. If it still shows signs and symptoms of a UTI I will be put on an antibiotic, and sent home. I have a 4 day bedrest rule to follow, and can return to work on Monday on super light duty, and preferably part time. I have a follow up appointment with my regular doctor in Sioux Falls next Thursday and we will know more after that. I am to monitor myself very closely, and watch my activity levels at this point, anything can potentially send me into pre-term labor. 

It's looking like Florida is most likely out of my future... And I will be spending the holiday closer to home. As of now, everything is up in the air until the Dr. talks with us on Thursday. 

So for now, were just sitting and waiting. Thanks for all the prayers, concerns, and uplifting words of encouragement! 

Brad and Roz 

27 Weeks 2 Days... Current Events

Tuesday evening I started feeling as if I was catching the flu bug. I had a little bit of cramping in my upper stomach, and was assuming that it was the flu since it has been going around.

Wednesday morning I wasn't feeling the greatest, but went to work anyways. I know. I know. I have been told 100 times to take it easy... I did take it easy. I didn't do anything I shouldn't at work. I didn't over step my boundaries... I just didn't feel right... At 7:30 I went back home and took a 3 hour nap. I felt a lot better and, of course, went back to work at 12:30 for a few hours. I was feeling some pressure, but I thought that was just some of the braxton-hicks contractions that I have been told so much about and informed to keep track of. I got off work around 3:30 and started having those bad cramps again. After taking a fairly large bowel movement, I didn't feel any better. I called my normal physician in Sioux Falls, and his nurse advised me to go in for a stress test just to make sure everything was alright.

4:45 last night Brad and I walked into the ER in the Orange City Hospital. We started a stress test monitor around 5:30, and everything was showing no signs of stress on the baby, and there was no signs of the "braxton-hicks" contractions present on the monitor. This confused the Dr. that was on call a lot, so they decided to take more tests. At this point they were considering running me to Sioux Falls by ambulance just to be safe in case I was going to deliver. The Dr. here in OC called the perinatologist in SF, and they recommended keeping me over night for monitoring since I wasn't contracting and the baby was looking fine.

They took a urine sample, which showed a high level of white blood cells. This led the Dr. to believe I had a UTI. He made it sound really simple... We were going to start some antibiotics, they would monitor me for a few hours, and I would be on my way.... BUT... then they decide to do a swab test. This was when my Fibernectin protein showed up to be positive.

Fetal Fibernectin Test:     
Fetal fibronectin is a protein that acts as a "glue" during pregnancy, attaching the amniotic sac — the fluid-filled membrane that cushions your baby in the uterus — to the lining of the uterus. Fetal fibronectin is often present in vaginal discharge before week 22 of pregnancy. Fetal fibronectin also begins to break down and can be detected in vaginal discharge toward the end of pregnancy. If your health care provider is concerned about preterm labor, he or she might test a swab of secretions near your cervix for the presence of fetal fibronectin between week 22 and week 34 of pregnancy. A positive fetal fibronectin test is a clue that the "glue" has been disturbed and you're at increased risk of preterm labor.
They gave me a steroid called "Betamethazone". I received one last night at 9pm and will receive another one yet this evening before I go home. This is supposed to help the baby's lungs develop quicker, and help the baby be able to breathe easier after birth as a pre-mature baby. 
Betamethasone causes an immature fetus's lungs to produce a compound called surfactant. A full-term baby's lungs naturally produce surfactant, which lubricates the lining of the air sacs within the lungs. This allows the inner surfaces of the air sacs to slide against one another without sticking during breathing. Premature infants whose lungs have begun producing surfactant are more able to breathe on their own, or with less respiratory treatment, after birth.

9:00 last night the Dr. came in to check my cervix, which was still "closed" which is a good sign. That means my body is telling them that it is not ready to deliver yet... key word... yet. He was supposed to come back at midnight last night, but never showed up, and I haven't heard a word from him since. For the time being, I am sitting at the OC hospital. We are having an ultrasound done here in a few minutes to measure the length of my cervix and the amount of amniotic fluid around the baby to make sure everything is still alright. The Dr. will be here to review the ultrasound around 11:30. I am currently on an IV drip just to keep fluids inside of me. Really don't have any other news as of now. Will know more after I actually see the doctor today.