Monday, October 29, 2012

Half Way! 20 Weeks...

So... The question for the week:

Boy or Girl?

.... I've looked at so many wive's tales that I don't know what to think anymore. My mind says "BOY"....But everything else screams "GIRL!"

Wives Tale #1:

Highs and Lows: If you're carrying high, break out the pink, because its a girl! If your bump is low, you're carrying a boy...

Whelp. I'm carrying high.

Girl 1
Boy 0

Wives Tale #2: 

Be Still My Beating Heart: According to legend, 140+ beats per minute indicates a girl, and below 140 means boy...

Welp. We were at 158 beats per minute at our 16 week appointment....

Girl 2
Boy 0

Wives Tale #3:

Sweet and Sour: Sweet cravings means it's a girl. Salty or Sour cravings point to a boy.....
Well, I craved sour stuff at the beginning of the pregnancy (lemons, lemon drops, sour war heads), and now it's sweet (starbursts, scotcheroos, ice cream). So I'm not sure which direction this one points me to... so I call it a tie.

Girl 2
Boy 0

Wives Tale #4... Supposedly this is NEVER wrong....... ok?

Chinese Birth Chart: If your Age at Conception (22) and the Month of Conception (June... 6th Month) equal up to be even, you're having a girl. If they equal up to be odd, it's a Boy....

22 + 6 = 28... EVEN.

Girl 3
Boy 0

Wives Tale #5:

Potty Time: Pee in a cup and mix a tablespoon of Drano in. Green = Girl, Blue = Boy.

My pee turned Orange......! Which isn't on the option list... So that gets tossed out.

Girl 3
Boy 0

Wives Tale #6:

Even or Odd: Legend has it that the Mayans determined sex by looking at mothers age at conception (22) and the year of conception (2012). If both are even or both are odd it's a girl... If one's even and one's odd... it's a boy.

2012 & 22 = Both Even.... 

Girl 4
Boy 0

Wives Tale #7:

Spot On: If you're breaking out like crazy, blame in on a girl!  Girl's steal their mother's beauty, hence, the annoying zits....

Definitely breaking out.....

Girl 5
Boy 0

Wives Tale #8:

Nice Ring to It: Tie your wedding ring to a string. Hang it over your belly. If it swings in a circle, a boy is in the future! If it swings back and forth, you've got a girl...

Mine swings in a circle!

Girl 5
Boy 1

Wives Tale #9:

Queasy Does It: Sick as a dog during the first trimester indicates a girl. Little or no morning sickness points to a boy.

I had a whopping 2 days of morning sickness...

Girl 5
Boy 2

Wives Tale #10:

Forward or Sideways: If your carrying in front, you've got yourself a boy. If you expand horizontally, it's a girl.

I feel like a watermelon has attached itself to my belly.... 

Girl 6
Boy 2

Wives Tale #11:

A Little Extra Padding: If your spouse is indulging in pregnancy cravings and is packing on the weight, you're having a girl!

Brad has LOST weight and about 3" in his waist!

Girl 6
Boy 3

Wives Tale #12:

Legs: If your legs get really big, your having a boy. If they stay in shape, it's a girl.

My legs aren't what's growing, my ass is!

Girl 7
Boy 3

Wives Tale #13:

What Do You Think: 71% of the time, the mom is right on the gender before it's known.

I think it's a boy. I've always thought it was a boy. 

Girl 7
Boy 4

Wives Tale #14:

Protein: When you crave meat and cheese, it's a boy!

Ask Laura Bro... I constantly talk about Applebee's and Red Lobster and Texas Roadhouse steaks. And I eat string cheese like it's going extinct.

Girl 7
Boy 5

Anyways, enough with the gender prediction. I could go on and on with the wives tales. You've seen the count! Now let me know what you all think!!
You have until Thursday November 1st to make your prediction.

The past week has flown by. Brad has been able to feel the sea monster kick and punch from the inside a bunch. He loves it. The other morning we were laying in bed and I could have sworn the baby was trying to kick him out of bed. I'm also able to watch my belly squirm and move when the sea monster decides to do summer-salts and flips. I can also see when it kicks too!

We're pretty excited to find out the gender this week. Brad and I keep talking about what we predict it's going to be... we will see who wins the guess! Brad says that since he always thought it was a boy it's going to end up being a girl. I'm still set on it being a boy. I don't care what the wives tale says, I just feel "boyish" lately. Lol. If that makes any sense.

I'm not excited to keep the gender a secret until we get to go home next. Brad is in Kansas City next weekend so we can't go home to tell our family (half of which don't even want to know the gender... they want a surprise....). How the heck am I supposed to keep this a secret for that long?!?!

Anyways. More updates next week! Maybe I'll be able to spill the beans by then! :)