Saturday, November 23, 2013

28 Weeks and Counting!

There was a chance after being in the hospital last week that I wouldn't be able to attend the "family vacation" in Florida over the week of Thanksgiving. On Monday I called into Sanford in Sioux Falls to talk with my normal Doctor. I was freaking out that I wasn't going to be able to go to Florida, so I gave him a hollar to see what he said. Monday afternoon he called me back to inform me that he saw no reasons why I couldn't attend the family vacation, as long as I took it easy. This made my WEEK so much better!

Tuesday we officially hit 28 weeks! I can't believe how fast the past few weeks have gone and all the events that have been happening these past few days especially. Last week was quite an eventful week, but all is in the clear now! Tuesday was an eventful day at work for me as well. This whole past week I took it really easy at work, only doing simple tasks, only putting in partial days, getting the "necessities" done at work. On any normal given week I would have considered this a "slack" week. Tuesday I was helping one of the other guys that helps me out in maternity, we had just delivered a calf, and had to process the cow and calf. This consists of sleeving them to check for any internal tears and a second calf, giving the calf it's vaccines, putting ear tags on the calf, dipping the calves navel, making sure the calf is breathing, giving first time calvers (heifers) their transmitter collars and weighting the calf and heifer. The last thing we do, while the cow is still in the head chute is to put yellow bands around their back legs to indicate that the cow is a "fresh cow" when she enters the parlor. This way we know to collect the colostrum into a separate 4 gallon tank instead of collecting it with the rest of the cows milk. I went up to the cow and touched her back end to let her know I was there and was just getting ready to bend over to put the band on her leg, and she freakkkkkked and kicked me right in the forehead above my right eye. I got very lucky that another worker was back there at the time or I probably would have passed out and laid there. Kube (the mexican that was helping me) stood me up and walked me out of the pen and kept telling me to breathe and stay awake. I won't lie. I fought the urge to pass out. My glasses were broke in half, and I had a killer headache, so I went home for a while to sit and relax. After about 2 hours at home laying down, just chilling, I got back up and headed back into work! No glasses caused a few issues with trying to read some ear tags and what-not but Tuesday evening I fixed that issue by running to the vision center and getting some new frames for this face of mine!

Thursday we had another check-up with my regular doctor. He was still fine with the trip to Florida so I was pretty thrilled about that. He also thought that there was no concern as of now for any pre-term labor or anything like that. He believes that my pain last week was just from the bladder infection. I am now off of my antibiotics, which I took for a week, and am feeling 10x better than I was. At one point last week I was going to the bathroom about 30 times in a day and now I am back down to my typical 10 or so... I know 10 is still a lot, but when you drink 8 bottles of water a day, you tend to pee quite frequently. Everything checked out at the appointment Thursday. Heart beat was still strong and thumping, baby was moving all over the place, but is still breach. The doctor wasn't concerned about the cord around the neck yet. He said this won't be a concern for him until we get closer to term, and it all depends on how the baby is doing, etc.

Tomorrow morning bright and early I am heading off to Sioux Falls for my flight out to Orlando! I can't WAIT to land on that ground in Florida tomorrow morning and be "stress free" for a whole WEEK! I am getting really anxious for the flight, landing, being gone for a week... but I AM SO EXCITED!

So, the next time you will be reading my blog, I am pretty sure it will be after I get back from Florida. :) So, I'll catch ya later!

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