Friday, April 1, 2011

Day 22: 5 years from now...

“When it comes to the future, there are three kinds of people: those who let it happen, those who make it happen, and those who wonder what happened.”.

When I asked my husband what he thinks our life would be like in five years... he chuckled. Thats about the only response I was able to get out of him.


I wish there was a way to see the future. To see where the two of us will be down the road. It would be so much easier to get through today, knowing that tomorrow is going to be a great day. I would need so little motivation to pursue this bachelors degree, knowing that some day I will have a job I love. I wish there was a way to see when Brad and I will be having our first child, when something devastating is about to happen, and having the ability to be prepared. Then again, where's the excitement in that?

I know that I will have a good job, some day, but that job that I love won't come until I get through school. I know that Brad and I will some day have a kid, or two. Maybe even three. Depending on what is in store for us and our future. We don't write our futures, we just follow the path that God lays out for us.

How about this... My vision of Brad and I five years down the road:
I see Brad and I sitting on the front porch of our acreage home, enjoying a nice cold drink, while a little boy plays in the dirt off to the side of the house. The dogs are running around free, in the open front yard. The Calves are bellaring for their mothers. The fresh scent of turned over dirt, rain, cut grass. Everything I love about the summer and country. ...Then again... this is just a vision. A Dream. I can wish all I want for this to come happen, but.... “When it comes to the future, there are three kinds of people: those who let it happen, those who make it happen, and those who wonder what happened.”... Brad and I just have to be those type of people that make it happen. :) Dreams can come to be reality.

Five years from now I know one thing, I will love Brad even more than I do today. He keeps finding ways to make me fall in love, all over again.

What do you have in store for your future? Are you going to make your Dreams come true? Or are you just going to let what happens, happen? Are you going to pursue the future? or are you going to just let it float by?

<3 Roz

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