Friday, January 11, 2013

(What was supposed to be...) 29 Weeks and Happy New Year!

Alright everybody. This was supposed to be our 29 Week blog. Due to the events that occurred shortly before Tuesday, the 1st of January, 2013, this blog was never posted. I saw it here, sitting in my drafts, and thought I better not let this writing go to waste! Reading over it just makes me want to have that excitement back again. It shows me just how happy and ecstatic I was to become a mother soon. I hope you enjoy it, even though it is in a different context than it should be, here is our 29th week blog! Enjoy.

Last Friday (the 28th) we had our 28 week check up.... All is good!

I had my Glucose Tolerance Test on Friday... I passed (by 1!). In order to pass your glucose exam you have to score at a blood sugar of 124 or below... I cut the cake at 123! :) But, I passed. So... No Pregnancy Diabetes for me! I got up in the middle of the night to feed myself, because I wasn't allowed to eat within 3 hours of the test, and my appointment was at 8AM. I had to drink the glucose test juice, which made me sick... Whichever nurse told me that this stuff tasted like cool-aid ought to be kicked in the teeth. I seriously had to gag it down it was so dreadful. Not only that, but it was so sugary that it made me want to throw up and left this disgusting feeling inside me my entire way to the doctor.

Baby Punt's heart beat was running at 143, again. It's been this same pace for the last three visits now. Our next Dr's appointment is in 2 weeks for a 30 week check up and another ultrasound! I cannot wait to see the sea-monster again! 10 weeks between ultrasounds just is too long for me!  


I visited the Chiropractor yesterday for my back issues that I have been having... and I'm now in HEAVEN. Dr. Winecoff in Ames did a wonderful job of re-aligning me and releasing the tension in my shoulders. He didn't do anything to help my hip yet, he was so horrified at how out of alignment my back was that he didn't want to do any more work on me yesterday. I will be making weekly visits for the next few weeks, and then will continue to see him until the little one is born. According to my doctor, the hip issues that I have been having are my sciatic nerve on the right hip. I fell last week on the ice, and that must have triggered the onset of pain. She recommended me to keep seeing the Chiro as he will be able to relieve some of this pain. The bad news... she believes that it will get worse as the baby gets bigger and bigger, adding more pressure to this nerve in my hip. 

Another exciting thing in our lives is: the baby room is officially started! :) I bought all of the paint last week, and have all of the office stuff (like the desk, books, files, etc.) all taken out and moved into the spare bedroom. Now, as soon as my hubby is home for a day or two its time to paint and put up the crib and changing table!!! EEK! I can't even explain my excitement! I've literally been waiting to start the baby room for 7 months! Haha... Let the nesting begin.

With changes beginning to arrive, I'm starting to realize just how close Baby Punt is to arriving. Anxious, nervous, excitement all floats in the air around me. 11 weeks to go. Brad and I are heading back to Ames today for the rest of the week. I've gotta work at the kennel, and Brad has a few things he has to get done at work. We are then coming back up to NW IA for the weekend and for New Years for a few family "Christmas" gatherings. Just going one day at a time until our sea-monster makes the grand entrance to the world! 

1 comment:

  1. What a bittersweet post! The excitment is contagious, and it also breaks my heart that much more. Shows how life changes in an instant. Cherish the memories you were able to have with Miss Paige- you did bond for sure. Prayers and Hugs.
