Tuesday, January 29, 2013

"Come back in August!"

Friday morning Brad and I went to the Dr. for our 4 week check up.

When I arrived at the office at 8 AM I realized that there were a lot of people there this time... a majority of them were pregnant ladies, and two others even had babies who were crying.... ugh. Great.

When I went to the front desk to check in they pulled out my file and had me fill out the new paperwork. They are in the process of transferring from manual to computer record systems. What a mess. They were all running around like chickens with their heads cut off trying to figure out what they were supposed to be doing. Well, 5 minutes after sitting down they pulled me into the back room to talk to me and informed me that my appointment wasn't actually that day, but I was scheduled for Tuesday at 2:30 PM. :s I told them no, it's today. ...

When I was in Denver I lost my planner which had the appointment written down on the right date... Well, I didn't have it saved in my phone so I had called the office Monday on our way home from Denver and they had informed me that my appointment was Friday at 8:00 AM. ... Confusion! Whatever.

Turns out the Dr. was on her way in for a procedure at 9:00 so I requested to stay until she arrived and they said she could fit me in before the procedure. The Dr. was perfectly alright with this.

The Dr. came in, asked the routine questions, checked a few things, and gave me a "clean bill of health." If that's what you want to call it. I was told I could resume all activities such as lifting weights, physical work (working out), etc. The Dr. declared that I didn't need to be seen again until August for a routine, yearly check up.

August... Brad and I felt like that was a long ways off. We have talked about baby #2... but we haven't decided yet that it is time. We have discussed it, but we both want to make sure that we are ready for that emotional rollercoaster. We know it's going to be so much different than the first time around. We just kind of shrugged our shoulders and decided that whatever happens, happens. Whenever it happens, it will happen. God has everything planned out and it will unfold as the days go by. So, maybe we will be back in that office before August, maybe not. We will just wait and see!

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