Monday, February 25, 2013

8 Weeks and Counting

It seems like yesterday, but it's been 8 weeks.

8 weeks of empty arms, a few sleepless nights, and many broken wishes and dreams.

It doesn't seem like it has been a whole 8 weeks since Paige was born.

Brad and I went home this weekend to spend Sunday with some friends watching the Daytona 500. Brad also hadn't met little Allison yet, so he needed to do that since she is 5 weeks old already! Saturday afternoon Brad and the guys went out shooting clay pigeons and live pigeons. While they were out having a good time, Tiffany, Allison, and myself enjoyed the afternoon in the house making a cake for the race. We had a great time baking creatively. I got to chill out with Miss. Allison, which was nice. I love baby time. As much as I wish Paige was here for me to enjoy, Miss Allison gives me some of that "baby" experience that I am missing out on. I really do enjoy being with her.

After the guys were done with their fun and the women with ours, we cooked a TON of shrimp jambalaya. Ugh. DELISH. THAT was the best food I have had in a long time! It was a tad bit spicy for me, but mmmmm was it good.

Sunday morning we went for breakfast at the Punt's house and I joined Cathy on a trip to church. It was nice to see Pastor Jeremy again and talk with a few people about the job hunt and how things are going on the home front.

After Church, Brad and I were off to Cory's house for the Daytona 500. Mike and Tiff brought a delicious Tator Tot Casserole and I brought the cake! Little Miss Allison and I also enjoyed more bonding time at Cory's and we even wore our matching Sock Monkey hats!!

Sunday night, shortly before leaving town, Cathy called us over for a quick visit before we left. She had a memorial thing made for Paige. She was thinking about placing it by her grave. We haven't decided on what we are going to do for a gravestone yet, but we will get there eventually. I was thinking about stopping by the grave yesterday on our way out from Cory's house, but just the thought of stopping almost ripped me into two again. I know that in time I will be ready to visit it. That time is just not quite yet. I know we will eventually have to do something for a gravestone or memorial, but, the time is yet to come. We will get there.

Even thought it seems like yesterday, these past 8 weeks have been dragging on slowly. I am still waiting to hear back from BI about the job that I interviewed for. I am applying for the actual job this week, hopefully. With the trailer sold, we also will hopefully be moving our stuff out within the next couple of weeks. Now we just need to get on with the house hunt. Either in NW Iowa or down in Anita. Depending on my job situation. We will see!

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