Friday, February 8, 2013

Sick... If that's what they call this.

So, today I went and visited the Dr. for the second time in the past 2 weeks. I have officially had this "crud" that nobody can seem to get out of my system for 13 days. Yuck.

Brad has been sick with the same thing for nearly 3 1/2 weeks... If I still have it in another week I will probably be on my death bed. I seriously haven't even wanted to get out of bed for the past 3 days because of this crud.

Plugged sinuses, throbbing ears that squeak whenever I blow my nose, hickup, or even burp, lime green, goopy snot that covers every single kleenex that I use. It's absolutely nasty. On top of that I have a serious tension head ache that absolutely won't go away unless I put something cold on my forehead. Then there's the coughing up nothing. With a raw throat, I officially can barely talk. It hurts to even swallow now. Other stuff that's driving me nuts are the hot flashes that have formed within the past 24 hours. Last night I was HOT, then I was Cold, then I was HOT, then Cold etc. Supposedly the Dr. said this was all a part of the crud that I am sick with. She said its actually very common right now and she has seen a lot of this crud come through the clinic.

January 28th I went to the Dr. for the first time. He put me on a Z-Pack that consisted of 500 mg of Amoxiciliin for 3 days. Today, a different Dr. decided that that wasn't strong enough so she upped my medication to two, 825 mg Amoxicilin pills for 10 days. Horse Pills. That's what they are! Not only are they hard to swallow due to the elongated, ginormous shape they are in, but they make my stomach hurt too. The Dr. said the side effects of such a strong antibiotic is that it will make my stomach ache... So... soup it is for me for the next 10 days it looks like. ...yum.... :s

On the bright side, I have lost 18 pounds since the day Paige was born. I think a majority of this is due to stress, but also being sick has slowed my appetite for much food. I still have a goal of being down to my pre-pregnancy weight by the end of March... only 15 pounds to go! I bought myself a membership to the gym here in Anita and have been working out religiously for the past few days. Even with being sick, it feels pretty ok to get out and about and go for a little spin on the eliptical for 40 minutes a day. I haven't been pushing myself too hard, as I am sick and getting short of breath really hurts my throat, but I am working on it!

Brad is still sick also. But, being a stubborn man he is, refuses to go see the Dr. grrr... If he's going to keep complaining about being sick I'm going to start blaming himself for it because he's not going to get any better until he gets put on some med's too... Men... The longer he is sick, the longer I'm going to be exposed to the crud, and I could go without being sick any longer!

I've literally been laying in bed for the past 3 days. Brad left for Fort Worth, TX on Wednesday and I was left here all alone at the bunk house. It's not awful because I can sleep as much as I want and nobody can give me crap for it, but at the same time it's deathly boring with no internet (besides my phone's wifi hot spot which is grudgingly slow), and no TV besides the movies and TV show seasons that I own... It's starting to get pretty boring here. Even the dogs are getting bored with cuddling. Maddie NEVER turns down cuddle time... but today she did. I let them run outside, but I don't like to stand out there in the cold, especially when I feel like this. Today I just let them run in the barn with all of the doors closed, but Maddie and Shepp had found a fresh pile of manure and decided it was delicious for lunch and for a "dirt bath"... gross. What's with dog's and manure?!?!

Oh well. Only a few more weeks.

I am still waiting to hear back from BI in Sioux Center about the job that I interviewed for. They said the position isn't available until the end of the month, so I'm sure they aren't even close to making a decision yet. On the bright side, just in case I don't get that job, AMVC in Audubon has decided to hire me in a 2400 sow unit to assist in their farrowing department. It's not a 4 1/2 years of college, 2 degrees type of job, but it's a job for now. You can always work your way up! I'm still hoping and praying to hear good news back from BI, but I'm glad to have a back up plan just in case the news isn't to my favor. I look forward to getting back to work... laying around all day is really starting to get to me.

It's been hard for me lately, having so much time on my hands. It really gets my brain going, and I can't ever get it to turn off. I'm really starting to miss Paige, realizing that in just a few short weeks we would have been welcoming her into our lives. As the weeks get closer to my due date, the more it seems real that she isn't here anymore. I'm getting through it one day at a time. The worst days are when Brad is gone and I feel all alone. He is really busy when he travels and doesn't have a lot of time to talk to me or text me throughout the day, which makes me feel ignored a lot of the time. I know he's working his butt off though since I am currently unemployed. It's just hard to be left all alone in a boring place. There's the good days and there's the bad. I just need to keep reminding myself that the good outweighs the bad.

I also look forward to the future and having another kid. Brad always swore that he was never having kids, and now he's excited to have another one. Like I've said in recent posts, we're not planning Baby Punt #2, but are willing it to happen when God has it planned. Maybe that's this month, maybe it's in a year. We just look forward to having another child and being parent's in a different sense than we are now.

Well, that's all I have for now. I think it's time for some more soup... the tummy is starting to growl! Eek.

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