Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Dear 12 Year Old Roslyn...

So, today I decided to try something different. I'm writing a letter to my 12 year old self. I know it sounds odd... but everyone has things that they'd wish someone had told them were going to happen, before they happened. So here goes nothing.

Dear 12 Year Old Roslyn,

I know you don't know me, at least not yet. I know you don't trust people that you don't know, but I need you to trust me now. You will grow up to become a completely different person that you have planned for your life.

I know you take a lot of stuff for granted. You don't enjoy those family events, although you act like you do, you would rather be out with your sheep and dog. I know how much Ruby, Sparky, and Lady have always meant to you. Believe me, you will cherish those family times in the future. I know your three little siblings drive you nuts, get you in trouble, and "ruin your life", but you will come to cherish the time you have with them in the future as well.

Many people come into your life, and they remain there for an entire lifetime. I just want you to know that people come into your life and leave much sooner than you expect as well. I will never be easy to lose a loved one, but you will some day understand that living a full life doesn't always take 60+ years to be fulfilled. I just hope you realize this and cherish the time you have with each and every person in your life. Some may be gone before you are prepared. Time runs out much faster than you intend in many lives, and I want you to be informed of this.

When you reach your mid-teen years you will feel like your life is falling apart. It's really not. Teenagers always make everything more dramatic than they need to be, believe me, I have been there. You will be fine and you will survive. I know you won't feel that way when everything bad seems to be happening at once, but it will be ok. You just need to turn to the devotionals that people will give you as gifts, and your Bible. Someday you will find your favorite verse, and it will mean something completely different to you then, than it does right now.

You will lose many loved ones throughout your life, few of which you will be prepared for. Some will be instantaneous and short, completely unexpected, while others will be a slow process, and welcomed by some who are prepared to meet their maker. As I said before, It will never be easy to lose a loved one, but eventually, you will understand why God takes people when. Everyone has a purpose on this earth, and everyone fulfills that purpose at a different time.

I also ask you to become more conscious of your blessings. A popular quote for me lately has been "What if you woke up today with the only things you thanked God for yesterday?".. Count your blessings, and thank God for them. Without God, they would not be. Some things are blessings in disguise. They may not seem to be blessings, but pure torture at the time, but God has planned everything in your life for a reason. Someday, maybe soon maybe a long time in the future, you will see certain events as blessings.

I pray and hope that someday this letter means something to you.

22 Year Old Roslyn

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