Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Lessons Learned...

Have you ever learned a life lesson... through something that had nothing to do with you in the first place? Or by simply looking at an image and delving so deep into it that it completely changes your view into something meaningful?...

I had this experience on Sunday.

Something so small. Something alot of people would think gross. disturbing. nose wrinkling.

A baby deer, dead, on the side of the interstate.

Something so simple. I felt myself tear up. My eyes watered. My brain exploded with a meaning to this.

And this meaning came today. After 3 days of pondering that dead baby deer. So small, helpless, naive.
What did the fawn do to deserve death?... nothing I'm sure. But such is the way of life. What do the elderly do to deserve death?... nothing. It's just the way of life.

After delving even deeper into the meaning of life today, I realized something. This Baby deer, literally the size of my dog, dead. A baby. A BABY. Its increadable to think about life in a way of being greatful for being able to make it to 20 years of age. I couldn't imagine being that baby deer. I felt so terrible for the poor thing. No chance to live its life. No chance to be free like every other deer out there in those exact woods. I see dead deer all the time on the interstate. But it just amazes me how this one dead baby deer was able to help me realize just how greatful I should be to be here today. Everyday I go through life leaving for granted so much. I hardly ever realize just how great my life is. I get so tangled up in the activities of daily living. I felt terrible for this fawn, even though I wasn't the one who hit it on the road, it still made my heart melt. Why didn't that fawn get a chance to run free in the meadows? Why did the fawn have to die a grewsome death? Why couldn't it have had a normal life like all other deer... playful... energetic... free... and wild.

Do you take life for granted? Or are you greatful to be a playful, energetic, free spirited, wild human being in your own way? Are you greatful for being able to get up every morning, see your husband off to work, and provide care for the one's you love? ...

<3 Roz

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